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  2. Love Fool Sherlock Holmes The Voice
  3. Supergirl Season 6
  4. Thursday, 28 October 2021
EW has done a big new interview with Melissa about the end of Supergirl.Really worth a look.

The big thing that has me thrilled is that she doesn't think she's done with Supergirl.After a break,she thinks she'll be back and is very open to returning as Supergirl for guest appearances.It sounds like she would really love to work with Grant,Tyler and Bitsy again.:D

"I would say the end goal is to really come to terms with her powers and who she is as an alien on the planet, and then who she is as a human and finding a way to embrace both of them at once," says Benoist, who believes this was the right time to say farewell to Kara. "I don't know if I was ready to say goodbye to the characters, which I think is healthy. You always want to be sad and miss something and I'm so glad I didn't have that, 'Oh my gosh. I'm so ready.' And just the feeling of wanting to throw it away and not think about it again. I definitely will miss playing the role, but I was ready for a break, personally."

That being said, she doesn't think this break will last forever and she's open to throwing on the cape again in the future. "I am not opposed to putting on the suit again and I know there probably will be opportunities to," she says. "It would have to feel right for the character and I know they would probably do it justice. I love playing with Grant Gustin. I love Tyler Hoechlin and Bitsie Tulloch on Superman & Lois. So no, I'm not opposed to it."


On her favorite memory from the Arrowverse crossovers:

"Do you know what's so funny about the crossovers is that [they were] crazy and insane and so frantic and hectic and chaotic, but I had so much fun doing them. All my memories are just of laughing with Grant and Tyler, and Stephen [Amell] — just laughing our butts off and getting so slaphappy and delirious and just having the best time. There was like an electric energy there. And one of my favorite moments too, was when Grant Gustin and I were running in a scene [during 'Crisis on Infinite Earths'], and it was a group of us, and I said, 'What if we just speed-walked, because I don't feel like running anymore?' And he speed-walked and that guy is actually abnormally fast! I've never seen anyone... It was incredible!

Again,everyone really should read this whole interview.And watch the video.

I got some very good news this morning(a medical issue that's clearing up) and Melissa being ooen to coming back down the line for guest appearances was the cherry on top.


Here's the EW video.

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First great news about your medical condition, I hope it continues to improve. Her answers also confirm that Kara doesn’t die which is the only ending that I would be angry about. I didn’t think it likely but it’s nice to have confirmation that my personal worst case scenario is off the table.

In reading the entire article more closely and watching the video a few things are standing out for me

On the best advice she's ever gotten:
"The best piece of advice I've gotten in recent years, I think, came from [Greg Berlanti and he said it to me numerous times, where he's told me in specific situations where I'll be opening up to him, and he said, 'Melissa, you have to tell people what you need and you have to fight for what you know you need to take care of yourself.'

On what she wishes knew back in Supergirl's first season:
"I wish I'd known that I didn't have to be a good sport about everything. I wish I'd known that I could have said, 'No, I can't do this. It's too much.' Or, 'I'm overwhelmed.' I honestly sometimes can't remember that entire season because it was so busy and such a whirlwind, so I wish that I had been able to step back and say, 'I need a second.' And I feel like I would have maybe had more memories of that time."

@2:48 in the video she’s asked about her biggest industry pet peeve and first she calls it an American problem but it’s the notion of work work work I’ll sleep when I’m dead.

I’m pretty sure these things are connected and I can’t help but wonder if some of the changes in the later seasons, that some fans didn’t like, were in part because Melissa was following Greg Berlanti’s advice or realizing she didn’t have to be a good sport about everything. It’s IMO very American to say just say yes when asked to do something especially at work. That doesn’t mean you can nope out of doing your job but you should be able to speak up if your not ok.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 1
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First great news about your medical condition, I hope it continues to improve.

Thanks,it's a eye issue.We caught it early and so thankfully I didn't develop any symptoms.

After Melissa said in a interview towards the start of the season, that she asked the showrunners for one thing in regards to the end the series and it was never in consideration from them,I thought death was off the table after those comments.That felt like the right ending for Oliver/Green Arrow but not Kara/Supergirl.

But now after this interview,I'm not even sure Supergirl will go to the future or Argo either.

Lots of sites are picking up Melissa's comments about being open to playing Supergirl again down the line.

After reading her interview,I certainly understand why 'Armageddon' was too soon for a sounds like she really does enjoy doing the crossovers.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 2
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Yes, I really think people should keep that in mind when they bemoan that the show isn't like season 1 anymore in regards to how much screentime Kara had back then. Based on her statements, she was clearly miserable with the kind of workload she had to do in season 1. I mean for her to say she barely even remembers season 1 [implied because of that], I think is very telling.

Yes, maybe season 1 was great for some viewers, but it clearly wasn't a sustainable way to create a show.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 3
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Yes, that was my reaction, too. It sounds like we may be getting the kind of ending I was hoping for, in which Supergirl / Kara stays in National City, and things go on more or less the way they were. In other words, an NYPD Blue sort of ending, in which Kara turns off the lights in the CatCo offices in the final scene, and then embarks on a long, leisurely flight home, over the now-familiar National City skyline.

I still think Supergirl's identity may be out to the world but I also like the idea of Kara still out there doing her thing as Supergirl even if we no longer see it each week.I've heard the argument that Supergirl needs to leave(go to the future or move to Argo) to explain why she's not involved in every crossover now going forward.Like to explain why she isn't in "Armageddon" but Alex is.I don't think that's true though.They can just come up with a reason why she isn't in this Flash event.I mean they are going to have to do that for Superman.

Superman isn't in "Armageddon" and the end of season 1 gives no obvious reasons why he couldn't be.Season 1 of Superman & Lois ended with Clark & Lois on the farm with their sons witnessing John Henry's reunion with his daughter.So why isn't he helping Barry in "Armageddon"?Superman is not doing anything in particular or is somewhere he can't help when we left him as season 1 closed.They'll have to come up with a reason in-story why he isn't helping with the threat of Despero.They can do the same for Supergirl.Maybe Despero does something when he arrives that prevents heroes like Supergirl ,Superman and Martian Manhunter from helping?They're actually the heroes most equipped to help stop Despero in the comics so maybe something happens in the event that prevents certain heroes from helping Barry?In the comics,Despero has powerful mind control and telepathy.So maybe he mental whammy's the heroes most likely to be able to stop him,taking big guns like the supers and J'onn and even Dreamer off the board.They could be laying on a table unconscious at The Tower(or in Superman/Clark's case at the Kent farm) due to Despero doing something with his powers. That actually would be a good reason why Alex/Sentinel is part of the crew helping the Flash in this event.

The point is,they can come up with a reason why Supergirl isn't in a crossover without sending her to live in the future or moving her to another planet.They are going to have to do it with Superman too in this crossover since Clark was left on the farm with his family doing nothing particulary when season 1 concluded.


I also hate the idea of Esme growing up without her Aunt Kara around.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 4
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A very interesting article and video; thanks for posting them here! Hearing that Melissa is open to returning as Supergirl in a guest appearance is terrific news for fans and I am sure for the Arrowverse as well. It would be a real treat to see her and Grant together again, and also to appear on Superman and Lois. As far as how Supergirl ends, I've been back and forth but now am tending toward her revealing her identity while continuing to be Supergirl and a reporter in present-day National City. That is a more hopeful continuation of her story, IMO. But I have also wanted a reunion with Mon-El ever since he left, so I hope the writers can conjure up a way to make that happen too.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 5
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Very good interview. Thanks for posting! :)
"Outdated And Antiquated" - Ron Sexsmith, from the CD/LP/Download The Vivian Line. (2023)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 6
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Thalolli wrote:

"Yes, maybe season 1 was great for some viewers, but it clearly wasn't a sustainable way to create a show."


I'll agree with most of your post, but that was a result of the PTB's (executives) lack of long-term planning. They also didn't know the extent of the affairs / entanglements in Melissa's personal life. That only came to light later on.

After the pilot was shot in early 2015, there was a lull / gap period between when a network picked it up (CBS) and when episode 2 and the rest of the season was shot. Consequently, there was a lot of catch-up and scrambling that went on. There was also the fact that it was initially picked up for a 13-episode order (and only got a full season order in early 2016), so the production and scripting was very rushed when the full season order finally came down.

In truth, the shooting schedule was hyper-compressed and it became physically and emotionally burdensome on Melissa. This needed to be addressed for Season 2 and it was. The focus shifted from Melissa's overall screen time to adding more secondary / supporting cast members' back stories and plotlines.

Season 1 had a lot of flaws and was wonky in many respects on-screen, but because it was more focused on the titular character's development and had a major network's backing, it had a more domestic exposure and held more true to the spirit and intent of the character's nature. This was likely by CBS mandate, since the CW initially passed on the project.

When the show dramatically shifted networks for Season 2 onward and moved shooting locations (Los Angeles to Vancouver), the dynamic of the show changed in a big way. It became a Berlantiverse and fully CW-centric product, and fell under a very different mandate (LGBTQ+ and SJW, "woke" focused).

The ratings took a massive hit in Season 2, partly due to the network shift (the CW has a limited household reach and is considered a niche network), and Ali Adler's LGBTQ+ focus in the season led to a massive exit of conservative-minded Supergirl fans and Season 1 hold-overs. This led to Adler's dismissal at the end of Season 2. Andrew Kreisberg was let go after his misconduct became public midway through Season 3 and with his departure, the show was left rudderless and fatally flawed. With the quality key head writer EP and crack key DC lore authority EP gone, the ship was also essentially firmly crashed into the iceberg and listing quickly.

The unfortunate, massive task of trying to right the ship / saving face fell to Jessica Queller and Robert Rovner. Unfortunately, they simply did / do not have the DC Lore knowledge or full grasp of what was / is needed to make a superhero show viable. They are good EPs for getting the product out to the public (and they would work well as EPs on different genre shows), but are / were ill-equipped to handle superhero shows. This has been evident since the midpoint of Season 3 to now. Season 4 was immensely polarising politically and socially, and Season 5 was just a plain, poorly planned mess. The only way out of this vicious circle was to curtail the series and allow the actors have a somewhat graceful Season 6 swan song send-off.

Such is life.
"Outdated And Antiquated" - Ron Sexsmith, from the CD/LP/Download The Vivian Line. (2023)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 7
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Thalolli wrote:

"Yes, maybe season 1 was great for some viewers, but it clearly wasn't a sustainable way to create a show."


I'll agree with most of your post, but that was a result of the PTB's (executives) lack of long-term planning. They also didn't know the extent of the affairs / entanglements in Melissa's personal life. That only came to light later on.

After the pilot was shot in early 2015, there was a lull / gap period between when a network picked it up (CBS) and when episode 2 and the rest of the season was shot. Consequently, there was a lot of catch-up and scrambling that went on. There was also the fact that it was initially picked up for a 13-episode order (and only got a full season order in early 2016), so the production and scripting was very rushed when the full season order finally came down.

In truth, the shooting schedule was hyper-compressed and it became physically and emotionally burdensome on Melissa. This needed to be addressed for Season 2 and it was. The focus shifted from Melissa's overall screen time to adding more secondary / supporting cast members' back stories and plotlines.

When the show dramatically shifted networks for Season 2 onward and moved shooting locations (Los Angeles to Vancouver), the dynamic of the show changed in a big way. It became a Berlantiverse and fully CW-centric product, and fell under a very different mandate (LGBTQ+ and SJW, "woke" focused).

The ratings took a massive hit in Season 2, partly due to the network shift (the CW has a limited household reach and is considered a niche network), and Ali Adler's LGBTQ+ focus in the season led to a massive exit of conservative-minded Supergirl fans and Season 1 hold-overs. This led to Adler's dismissal at the end of Season 2. Andrew Kreisberg was let go after his misconduct became public midway through Season 3 and with his departure, the show was left rudderless and fatally flawed. With the quality key head writer EP and crack key DC lore authority EP gone, the ship was also essentially firmly crashed into the iceberg and listing quickly.

The unfortunate, massive task of trying to right the ship / saving face fell to Jessica Queller and Robert Rovner. Unfortunately, they simply did / do not have the DC Lore knowledge or full grasp of what was / is needed to make a superhero show viable. They are good EPs for getting the product out to the public (and they would work well as EPs on different genre shows), but are / were ill-equipped to handle superhero shows. This has been evident since the midpoint of Season 3 to now. Season 4 was immensely polarising politically and socially, and Season 5 was just a plain, poorly planned mess. The only way out of this vicious circle was to curtail the series and allow the actors have a somewhat graceful Season 6 swan song send-off.

Such is life.

"Liberation" and "Arm In Arm" - Arkells, from the CD/LP/Download Blink Once. (2021)

"Bitter Taste" - Billy Idol, from the CD/LP/Download The Roadside EP. (2021)

"Run" - OneRepublic, from the CD/LP/Download Human. (2021)

Well, I'm glad someone else agrees with me.:o

July 20,1969 "Oh My God" "The Americans Are On The Moon"

Warren Zevon-Werewolves Of London
Bobby Pickett "Monster Mash"
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 8
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My favorite season is still season 3.I really liked the Reign/Worldkiller story.There are things I like in each season but my overall favorite season storyline was that.Melissa referred to it as Buffy like (when she was talking about the changes in season 4 and the social commentary aspect season 4 would be dealing with) which I agree with and liked.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 9
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"I'm not even sure Supergirl will go the future or Argo, either."

Yes, that was my reaction, too. It sounds like we may be getting the kind of ending I was hoping for, in which Supergirl / Kara stays in National City, and things go on more or less the way they were. In other words, an NYPD Blue sort of ending, in which Kara turns off the lights in the CatCo offices in the final scene, and then embarks on a long, leisurely flight home, over the now-familiar National City skyline.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 10
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I don't think the situation is really comparable between Supergirl and Lois&Clark. For one, Kara has been portrayed as very friendly with Barry, built up through multiple crossovers, this close relationship just does not exist with Clark. Also, with Alex somebody from Kara's supporting cast is there, while nobody from Superman is, to our knowledge. If let's say Clark's son was part of the crossover and Clark wasn't, we would expect an explanation as well. Even if that explanation is "he doesn't have time".

Personally, I don't need Kara to leave, but I do think something meaningful should happen in the end rather than just everybody staying in town and carrying on like before. I think an ending like that would be really underwhelming.

I also don't think that that explanation about Ali Adler leaving makes any sense. If anything, the show doubled down on the LGBT content after she left and so did the CW in general with shows like Legends of Tomorrow and Batwoman. My impression was that she just wasn't interested in writing a show for the CW, and so by her own words, she only stayed on till mid season 2 and she mostly worked in crafting Alex's coming out story.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 11
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"I also hate the idea of Esme growing up without her Aunt Kara around."

Me, too!

"Personally, I don't need Kara to leave, but I do think something meaningful should happen in the end rather than just everybody staying in town and carrying on like before."

Perhaps that "something meaningful" is that her identity/ alter ego as Supergirl becomes known to the world and is no longer secret (as in the recent Superman comics).
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 12
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"But I have also wanted a reunion with Mon-El ever since he left, so I hope the writers can conjure up a way to make that happen too."

I'm thinking that the Legion of Superheroes (including Mon-El) may come "back from the future" to help defeat Nyxly and Lex. In other words, they may show up "just in the nick of time", just as the cavalry always did in all those Westerns and Civil War movies that we grew up with. It really was a Hollywood cliche, wasn't it? "Here comes the cavalry", remember?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 13
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"But I have also wanted a reunion with Mon-El ever since he left, so I hope the writers can conjure up a way to make that happen too."

Steward Tick

I'm thinking that the Legion of Superheroes (including Mon-El) may come "back from the future" to help defeat Nyxly and Lex. In other words, they may show up "just in the nick of time", just as the cavalry always did in all those Westerns and Civil War movies that we grew up with. It really was a Hollywood cliche, wasn't it? "Here comes the cavalry", remember?


Of course Monty and Winn are coming back to help save the day for Supergirl. And then I believe that Monty and Kara are going back to the future and live happily ever after. The End

July 20,1969 "Oh My God" "The Americans Are On The Moon"

Warren Zevon -Werewolves Of London
Bobby Pickett "Monster Mash"
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 14
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I am so glad Melissa said she'll reconsider putting the suit on again...methinks though for the right scenario. To me that's a sign of saying she took pride in playing the last daughter of Krypton, despite all the flaws and the season 4 polarizing writing that got me a little sick to my stomach at times.

As for that appearance, could it be on Superman and Lois, or The Flash or even Stargirl? The third show I mentioned because I think Courtney needs a female mentor other than her mom...someone who can teach her about using her powers. As for Kara's appetite...well that's another story :D :D :D :D
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 15
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

I am so glad Melissa said she'll reconsider putting the suit on again...methinks though for the right scenario. To me that's a sign of saying she took pride in playing the last daughter of Krypton, despite all the flaws and the season 4 polarizing writing that got me a little sick to my stomach at times.

As for that appearance, could it be on Superman and Lois, or The Flash or even Stargirl? The third show I mentioned because I think Courtney needs a female mentor other than her mom...someone who can teach her about using her powers. As for Kara's appetite...well that's another story :D :D :D :D

I wouldn't mind seeing her put the suit on again for the sentimental factor but I think it's highly unlikely. The truth is that the role of supergirl gave her career a shot in the arm. As the show rolled into it's forth season it became apparent that the shot in the arm began to have negative side affects. To be honest you must accept that it's never a good career move to have your star in a show that's going down the tubes. In my opinion the last three seasons have hurt her career. The addition of these make believe superheros gave her less air time and took the spotlight off of her. As I have said many times, when you have a Mickey Mantle in your lineup you let her swing away. They had opportunities but failed to do so.

July 20,1969 "Oh My God" "The Americans Are On The Moon"
Velvet Underground-Sweet Jane
Happy All Saints Day..........GO GIANTS!:)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 16
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I wouldn't mind seeing her put the suit on again for the sentimental factor but I think it's highly unlikely. The truth is that the role of supergirl gave her career a shot in the arm. As the show rolled into it's forth season it became apparent that the shot in the arm began to have negative side affects. To be honest you must accept that it's never a good career move to have your star in a show that's going down the tubes. In my opinion the last three seasons have hurt her career. The addition of these make believe superheros gave her less air time and took the spotlight off of her. As I have said many times, when you have a Mickey Mantle in your lineup you let her swing away. They had opportunities but failed to do so.

July 20,1969 "Oh My God" "The Americans Are On The Moon"
Velvet Underground-Sweet Jane
Happy All Saints Day..........GO GIANTS!:)

I doubt Melissa’s standing within the industry was ever “hurt” due to the show. Because of Supergirl she got to prove herself as lead and director. Being a leader while also being a team player is one of most desirable qualities in any industry. To use a sports analogy nobody wants to play with a ball hog or showboat. I’d argue that because of this show Melissa has more freedom to do the projects she wants to do which will only expand her fan base. She can do that period piece and reach people who didn’t watch Supergirl.

Your Micky Mantel analogy is flawed. Mantel was a great player but he was a team player who played on a team of great players. Without his team he wouldn’t have won the championships or been the player he was. Baseball by nature is a team sport, over a 150+ game season it’s impossible for a single player to make a winning team. Mike Piazza, Don Mattingly, Ichiro Suzuki, Tony Gwynn, Ken Griffey Jr, Juan Marichal, Ernie Banks, Ted Williams, Harmon Killebrew, and Frank Thomas are all hall of fame players without a World Series ring because no matter how good they were as individuals the team wasn’t strong enough.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 17
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

I wouldn't mind seeing her put the suit on again for the sentimental factor but I think it's highly unlikely. The truth is that the role of supergirl gave her career a shot in the arm. As the show rolled into it's forth season it became apparent that the shot in the arm began to have negative side affects. To be honest you must accept that it's never a good career move to have your star in a show that's going down the tubes. In my opinion the last three seasons have hurt her career. The addition of these make believe superheros gave her less air time and took the spotlight off of her. As I have said many times, when you have a Mickey Mantle in your lineup you let her swing away. They had opportunities but failed to do so.

July 20,1969 "Oh My God" "The Americans Are On The Moon"
Velvet Underground-Sweet Jane
Happy All Saints Day..........GO GIANTS!:)

I doubt Melissa’s standing within the industry was ever “hurt” due to the show. Because of Supergirl she got to prove herself as lead and director. Being a leader while also being a team player is one of most desirable qualities in any industry. To use a sports analogy nobody wants to play with a ball hog or showboat. I’d argue that because of this show Melissa has more freedom to do the projects she wants to do which will only expand her fan base. She can do that period piece and reach people who didn’t watch Supergirl.

Your Micky Mantel analogy is flawed. Mantel was a great player but he was a team player who played on a team of great players. Without his team he wouldn’t have won the championships or been the player he was. Baseball by nature is a team sport, over a 150+ game season it’s impossible for a single player to make a winning team. Mike Piazza, Don Mattingly, Ichiro Suzuki, Tony Gwynn, Ken Griffey Jr, Juan Marichal, Ernie Banks, Ted Williams, Harmon Killebrew, and Frank Thomas are all hall of fame players without a World Series ring because no matter how good they were as individuals the team wasn’t strong enough.

I'm impressed with your knowledge of Baseball. However your analogy is flawed. Mickey was a great teammate and a team player and inspired everyone around him to give their all because he played hurt his entire career. The Yankee teams back then were great but without Mickey you don't win all those pennants and World Series. The point being is when you have a multi talented actress on your show it's your obligation to show case her. They did not.
Back to baseball for a minute. There are many more hall of fame players with a world series ring then not. Funny you should mention Harmon Killebrew. I was seating in the left field stands at Yankee Stadium one afternoon and I saw Harmon Killebrew smack a line drive that was whistling through the air and put a dent into the left field scoreboard.

July 20,1969 "Oh My God" "The Americans Are On The Moon"
Velvet Undergroud-Sweet Jane
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 18
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Kind of off topic, but indulge me for a moment. The baseball discussion mentioning Harmon Killebrew brought back memories of summer days as a teen-ager watching the Minnesota Twins at the old ballpark, Metropolitan Stadium. Many times I watched as Killebrew launched one of his high, arcing home runs into the left field seats. One reached the second deck, making it the longest home run ever hit at "The Met." The seat where it landed is now mounted on a wall at the Mall of America, which stands on the site of the old ballpark.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 19
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Mickey Mantle was not great because he played hurt, we just disagree that playing hurt is the right thing to do or is what makes an athlete great. He was great because of his natural talent and the work he put in, please note it shouldn’t be necessary to push oneself to physical and mental exhaustion to be considered a hard worker. Mantel was an alcoholic and it was thought that was how he dealt with the physical pain he was in. It’s impossible to tell how much his drinking impacted his playing career, but it did cause him significant health problems later in life. Sadly we will never know what Mantel could have done if he had taken/been given the time to truly recover from his injuries instead of being encouraged to be a trouper and play through it.

I saw Ricky Henderson break the stolen base record, my dad took me out of school that day to go to that game. Among other things Ricky pushed back at the notion that playing hurt is better than not playing. He knew in the end he would steel more bases if he played healthy instead of with nagging injuries, kinda the notion of working smarter not harder. Ricky had a long successful career and is in good health today because he took care of his body and listened to it.

To bring it back to the show.
The point being is when you have a multi talented actress on your show it's your obligation to show case her. They did not.
Nope, just nope neither the EPs nor Melissa had or have any obligation to do anything just because a fan or fans want/wanted it. There’s a good reason shows don’t just do everything a vocal minority of fans scream for, if they did they would have so many fans screaming at them they wouldn’t actually be able to produce a show. If my manager micromanages how I do my job it hinders my ability to actually do my job. Fans trying to micromanage what happens in a show in the internet is worse, at least my manager has a legitimate right to manage my work.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 20
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