Edit: There is a lot of things positive that we can get out of this - I can see it now.
We only get 4 Mondays of new Supergirl episodes from January 15 and sit out 9 weeks while Legends takes over the slot until its finale.

Sounds like a winning plan, Kelly. In Minneapolis we are always looking for ways to help make the winters go by faster!
No crap, superbill? I'm just a bit north, in Blaine.
So here is my plan....
I am going to watch Season 1 straight through starting after the 4 new eps....and will finish it before the premiere of "Jessica Jones" Second season....after I have binged those 13 eps I will start Season 2 of Supergirl, and then rewatch the first 9 episodes of Season 3 which will take me up to the premiere of the last 10 episodes in April. So, the nights will go by faster, and more enjoyable. And then having 10 straight non-stop episodes and 23 IN ALL.....can't wait.
You're not going to watch S3 E10-13 again just before E14 screens on April 16?.
My plan is to watch S3 E13 on Tue Feb 6 and then start with S1 E1 on Wed Feb 7, making sure I've watched S3 E13 again by Mon Apr 16.
Maybe we should start a thread at the time and talk about the episodes again.
Sounds like a winning plan, Kelly. In Minneapolis we are always looking for ways to help make the winters go by faster!
No crap, superbill? I'm just a bit north, in Blaine.
Sounds like a winning plan, Kelly. In Minneapolis we are always looking for ways to help make the winters go by faster!
Oh, I am AS UPSET AS THE NEXT SUPERGIRL FAN, we should be upset as fans....I'm not saying that AT ALL. IT SUCKS........BIG TIME.
So here is my plan....
I am going to watch Season 1 straight through starting after the 4 new eps....and will finish it before the premiere of "Jessica Jones" Second season....after I have binged those 13 eps I will start Season 2 of Supergirl, and then rewatch the first 9 episodes of Season 3 which will take me up to the premiere of the last 10 episodes in April. So, the nights will go by faster, and more enjoyable. And then having 10 straight non-stop episodes and 23 IN ALL.....can't wait.
Oh, I am AS UPSET AS THE NEXT SUPERGIRL FAN, we should be upset as fans....I'm not saying that AT ALL. IT SUCKS........BIG TIME.
So here is my plan....
I am going to watch Season 1 straight through starting after the 4 new eps....and will finish it before the premiere of "Jessica Jones" Second season....after I have binged those 13 eps I will start Season 2 of Supergirl, and then rewatch the first 9 episodes of Season 3 which will take me up to the premiere of the last 10 episodes in April. So, the nights will go by faster, and more enjoyable. And then having 10 straight non-stop episodes and 23 IN ALL.....can't wait.
rumors are starting to get around from sources that are sometime good, and sometimes BS. So take it as you want. But the rumor is that this is very Andrew Kreisberg related. They are going to use the 4 episodes already filmed but nothing thats only written because he would still get creative credit. So SG is getting an extra week during holidays to kick those episode scripts out and they are getting 9 week hiatus to get them filmed.
What it means for plot lines, story lines, characters etc is unknown.
Now, this is interesting....not sure that I totally believe it. But it is interesting. I think the plot lines, story lines, etc will continue on but without his input...
If this is true, this is very, very interesting.....BUT, why are they not doing the same thing with Flash?
Same question, here.
But if that is the reason behind it, I can understand it. They don't want Kreisberg's name associated with the show, anymore, so redrafting the scripts that he had a hand in, just to avoid crediting him, makes sense. As long as it doesn't change what the season was supposed to look like, overall.
And Kelly, I also REALLY like your point about bad news for fans vs bad news for the show. That was put incredibly well.
As much as I hate it, this long hiatus is bad news for fans, not for the show. All the ratings info and renewal predictions place Supergirl's season 4 renewal as a sure thing. On top of that, Supergirl finally gets the same number of episodes as Arrow and Flash. All of that is GREAT news for the series.
I was just looking forward to it because I live in a state that gets cold winters and the TV season is one of the best ways to spend that warm comfy couch time. But I can totally admit, that's my problem, and not the shows.
I honestly think that Supergirl will be in the first round of renewals announced for the year, whenever that may be. Legends might be the same. Because if your show is already renewed, then some schedule shifts in the back half aren't as big a deal. Ratings, while desired, aren't nearly as big a worry once a renewal is a lock.
rumors are starting to get around from sources that are sometime good, and sometimes BS. So take it as you want. But the rumor is that this is very Andrew Kreisberg related. They are going to use the 4 episodes already filmed but nothing thats only written because he would still get creative credit. So SG is getting an extra week during holidays to kick those episode scripts out and they are getting 9 week hiatus to get them filmed.
What it means for plot lines, story lines, characters etc is unknown.
Now, this is interesting....not sure that I totally believe it. But it is interesting. I think the plot lines, story lines, etc will continue on but without his input...
If this is true, this is very, very interesting.....BUT, why are they not doing the same thing with Flash?
rumors are starting to get around from sources that are sometime good, and sometimes BS. So take it as you want. But the rumor is that this is very Andrew Kreisberg related. They are going to use the 4 episodes already filmed but nothing thats only written because he would still get creative credit. So SG is getting an extra week during holidays to kick those episode scripts out and they are getting 9 week hiatus to get them filmed.
What it means for plot lines, story lines, characters etc is unknown.
Now, this is interesting....not sure that I totally believe it. But it is interesting. I think the plot lines, story lines, etc will continue on but without his input...
If this is true, this is very, very interesting.....BUT, why are they not doing the same thing with Flash?
rumors are starting to get around from sources that are sometime good, and sometimes BS. So take it as you want. But the rumor is that this is very Andrew Kreisberg related. They are going to use the 4 episodes already filmed but nothing thats only written because he would still get creative credit. So SG is getting an extra week during holidays to kick those episode scripts out and they are getting 9 week hiatus to get them filmed.
What it means for plot lines, story lines, characters etc is unknown.
Here is a chart showing a comparison of the breaks for all 3 seasons....
You want to kill viewership, do what CBS did.....what they are doing this time will not do that.
You're point that the total break time isn't that much more than normal, is valid. And yes, CBS super frequent breaks, as well as lack of advertising in the back half of the season, certainly resulted in a drop in viewership. But this chart is incorrect, and it's method of counting seems inconsistent.
In some parts, it's counting the number of mondays without episodes as the break. For example, this year, there will be 9 Mondays without Supergirl (due to Legends), and Supergirl will pick back up on the 10th week. They are counting each Monday without an episode of Supergirl. In that same type of counting, Supergirl actually has 5 Mondays off for the Winter break, not 4. The actual dates of the Mondays Supergirl is taking off this year are 12/11/17, 12/18/17, 12/25/17, 01/01/18, 01/08/18, 02/12/18, 02/19/18, 02/26/18, 03/05/18, 03/12/18, 03/19/17, 03/26/17, 04/02/18, 04/09/18. 14 Mondays off, in total.
However, for the season 2 count, they are counting differently. For example, they say Supergirl had an 8 week winter break. But it actually had 7 Mondays without new episodes, and began again, on the 8th. The actual dates of the Mondays with no new episodes were 12/05/16, 12/12/16, 12/19/17, 12/26/17, 01/02/17, 01/09/17, 01/16/17, 03/13/17, 04/03/17, 04/10/17, 04/17/17. After that, it finished it's season consecutively. This means season 2 had a total of 11 Mondays off.
For season 1, the Mondays without new episodes were 12/21/15, 12/28/15, 01/11/16, 02/15/16, 03/07/16, 04/04/16. There were only 6 Mondays in season one, from the start of the season, to the end of the season, where the show did not air. It just felt like more because the breaks were much more frequent.
Season One - 6 Mondays off
Season Two - 11 Mondays off
Season Three - 14 Mondays off
Sorry about that. I'm just a stickler for that the info represented being accurate.
This doesn't change your point. While season 3 does have more off-weeks than either of the previous seasons, it's just 3 weeks more than last year. It just feels like a lot, because 9 of those weeks are consecutive. And that 9 week break starts after just 4 episodes, after a 5 week Winter break.
I think the two main reasons for people being upset are 1) We only get 4 new episodes before our "Spring Hiatus", and 2) The Spring Hiatus is 9 consecutive weeks without new episodes.
With those numbers, and with how the mid-season finale just made people want more, I can understand why it leaves a bad taste in their mouths.
Here is a chart showing a comparison of the breaks for all 3 seasons....
You want to kill viewership, do what CBS did.....what they are doing this time will not do that.
I'm going to make a conscience effort to stay positive. I am grateful for everyone on this site, I know we will help each other get through the long break.
El Mayarah (Stronger Together), that's us Supergirl fans here.
On a personal level I'm going to make an effort to watch Episodes 1 through 55 in the 70 days between S3 E13 and S3 E14 then it's 10 consecutive weeks of new episodes through to the season finale, that's the best thing about this news whereas we might've had that 4 week break between E17 and E18 like last season.
They would be dumb to mess with anything in their #1 series and no Flash isn't in the same boat. Supergirl has lost 2 of the original showrunners, Flash only 1, and they have been going a season longer than Supergirl, and 2 seasons longer working through the CW.
I suspect that part of the reason for this extended SG break in the New Year (Feb. to Apr.) isn't so much to accommodate the Olympics and March Madness or to allow LOT to finish its season as it is to allow Greg Berlanti to get up to speed with Supergirl and assist with the show's creative direction.
Consider this: Andrew K. was one of the EP's, a co-creator, and a consultant for the show and with his unceremonious departure, Greg Berlanti will fill in his role for the remaining part of the season. It's possible that once GB gets an on the ground / hands-on lowdown of the show and it's direction, that this short-term hiatus will enable Rovner and Queller to focus more on running the show than worry about the interim creative loss. Since the Flash was and remains the leading superhero CW program, the ideas and creative direction may be more firmly set as it has had a longer run than Supergirl and may be able to run itself more easily with little hands-on assistance from GB.
Given that GB, Sarah Schechter, Ali Adler and Andrew K. were the initiators for the show (and that two of them are now gone for different reasons), it would make sense that there would be a need for a small hiatus in order for the show to gain its directional bearings with such a creative loss during the season. Also, it is possible that the show had enough ideas going to push it through 13 episodes without overtaxing themselves creatively. But, with the departure of AK, a new-ish set of eyes and idea generation was needed to help push the show to its 23-episode S3 objectives.
Pure speculation, I know, but it would make sense with the departure of a key figure, the introduction of a new show - Black Lightning - and the overall directional challenges various CW shows faced with AK's dismissal.
I would agree, except for The Flash is in the exact same boat. Kreisberg had the exact same role on both shows.
And the shooting schedule likely isn't changing at all. That's pre-set throughout the season. Supergirl will probably finish filming near the same time as Arrow and Flash.
I wholeheartedly think it's due to poor schedule management on CW's part. They had a COMPLETELY full schedule for the fall. 10 shows, 5 days, two hours a night.
And in the back end of the season, they have Black Lightning, Life Sentence, iZombie, The 100, and The Originals, all waiting to air their seasons. And Dynasty, one of the 2 freshman shows from this Fall, has been given a full season order.
That is far too many shows waiting in the back half of the season. Something was gonna get shuffled around. Do I think they shuffled the right things? No.
Now, Black Lightning was ordered for a short 13 season, just like Riverdale did, last year. It's just a pattern with shows that air in the back half. I expect iZombie and The 100 will have a shorter run, as well, despite not yet having an air date.
The underlying problem is all of the Fall shows have full seasons, except Valor and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. That's simply just not enough shows ending early enough in the year.
I personally think the best thing they could have done is let Valor run new episodes through December, and finish their seasons, earlier, allowing some of those Spring shows to start earlier. This would have allowed Legends to move to Monday at 9pm, right after Supergirl.
However, I'm unfamiliar with Valor's filming schedule. Those final episode simply may not have been ready in time for a schedule like that.
Either way, I'm sticking with my point that the underlying issue is really a problem with program scheduling at CW.
I suspect that part of the reason for this extended SG break in the New Year (Feb. to Apr.) isn't so much to accommodate the Olympics and March Madness or to allow LOT to finish its season as it is to allow Greg Berlanti to get up to speed with Supergirl and assist with the show's creative direction.
Consider this: Andrew K. was one of the EP's, a co-creator, and a consultant for the show and with his unceremonious departure, Greg Berlanti will fill in his role for the remaining part of the season. It's possible that once GB gets an on the ground / hands-on lowdown of the show and it's direction, that this short-term hiatus will enable Rovner and Queller to focus more on running the show than worry about the interim creative loss. Since the Flash was and remains the leading superhero CW program, the ideas and creative direction may be more firmly set as it has had a longer run than Supergirl and may be able to run itself more easily with little hands-on assistance from GB.
Given that GB, Sarah Schechter, Ali Adler and Andrew K. were the initiators for the show (and that two of them are now gone for different reasons), it would make sense that there would be a need for a small hiatus in order for the show to gain its directional bearings with such a creative loss during the season. Also, it is possible that the show had enough ideas going to push it through 13 episodes without overtaxing themselves creatively. But, with the departure of AK, a new-ish set of eyes and idea generation was needed to help push the show to its 23-episode S3 objectives.
Pure speculation, I know, but it would make sense with the departure of a key figure, the introduction of a new show - Black Lightning - and the overall directional challenges various CW shows faced with AK's dismissal.