1. Fedguy
  2. Love Fool Sherlock Holmes The Voice
  3. Supergirl General Discussion
  4. Friday, 21 April 2017
As I said before the individual episodes tend to be great, but regarding season plot I'm leaning towards believing the latter. Hope they have time to plan the third season.
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I think this season was probably a lot more tightly plotted than people initially thought. At least in regards to the overarching story. By now it's very clear that Rhea is the big villain near the end. They put in the seeds for the Daxamites coming to earth and collaborating with the alien president early in the season. We have reveal of the president, Mon-El sending the distress signal in his first real episode, we have them setting up his fake flashback story (which when you look back on it ends with him saying "that's how it happened" making it clear that this is a story told by him), then the masked Daxamites starting to appear around the middle of the season.

Cadmus is introduced, but it looks like they are mostly defeated/on the run.

My theory is that the season might end with the president being revealed as an alien and ousted from the job and Cadmus surviving the season and coming back in season 3. Which would actually be quite a clever storyline. Cadmus are crazy badguys who warn about evil aliens. Everybody thinks they are ridiculous. Then it comes out that evil aliens actually are coming and they had the highest job in government. Suddenly Cadmus is a lot stronger in season 3 and Supergirl might have a lot harder time to fight them because now public opinion might be more on their side, because it looks like Cadmus was right all along with their worries.

It seems clear to me that Mon-El's job within the show is first and foremost to set up the Rhea storyline and give a reason why this attack by Rhea is a personal issue rather than an impersonal one. And this Rhea storyline in turn might be there to feed back into Cadmus, if they are still an important force in season 3. I think other themes, like Rhea or Maggie accusing Supergirl of being too cocky might also feed into this, to set it up that maybe in season 3 Supergirl starts getting bad press or feels guilty that maybe underestimating Rhea caused all this.

I think it's mostly the martian storylines that acted almost as a red herring, with us thinking that maybe the big threat would come from the White Martians. But so far it doesn't look like the White Martians are working with the Durlans and the Daxamites, right?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 1
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here read this article 11 reasons why season 2 is better

I read that a few days ago. I'm not bagging on the whole season. There's MUCH about this season I like better. There's just some disjointedness, is all, as many have noted. I still love the cast, and think they pull it together.

glad you feel that way. let me try and highlight season 2's threads and maybe help you appreciate it more.

ep1. acts as a soft reboot, end of ep we are introduced to cadmus (Metallo)
ep2. Kara becomes aware of Cadmus
ep3. we are introduced to 2 the president, a Durlan and will be important later for the Daxamites. Also the alien amnesty act (getting all aliens registered). We meet M'gann
ep4. we meet Roulette which later will be the vessel in which the Daxamites will find out Mon-El is on Earth. We learn M'gann is a white martian
ep5. mostly Cadmus.
ep6. J'onn becomes injured and needs blood from M'gann. we know this will prove problematic. Also Cadmus captures Mon-El
ep7. Cadmus has Kara/Mon-El. and J'onn learns of M'gann being a white Martian.
ep8 Cadmus launches Medusa and J'onn is cured of the white martian blood disease
ep 9. Roulette appears again and this is where the Daximites discover Mon-EL is on earth.
ep 10. J'onn comes full circle and forgives M'gann
ep 11. finishes off M'gann's story arc.
ep 12. Cadmus as Lillian finally escapes from prison
ep 13. V-Day ep and mostly a 1 off
ep 14. mostly Cadmus
ep 15. mostly Cadmus
ep. 16 Daxamites finally arrive
ep. 17 Mostly daxamites

Seems most of the episodes have had either a Cadmus or Daxamite flavor sprinkled with Sanvers, Mon-El's progression (whether you like or dislike him cant argue his development has been amazing), Kara's career (on going), Winn/Lyra, and Karamel. So no I dont feel the episodes are disjointed at all.

compare this to season 1.
lets start with the back half and see how they are relevant to the finally
ep 14. no relevance
ep 15. Indigo is introduced
ep 16. no relevance
ep 17 no relevance
ep 18. except for the last moment hook zero relevance.
so except for the occasional line here or there about Myriad ep 14-18 had little relevance to Myraid. And Indigo being in the final 2 could have been replaced by any other DC villain

Ep 1 through ep 3 is all about anything he can she can do. introduced to Astra.

ep 4 was a sandbox episode
ep5 Live Wire
ep 6 - ep 12 only thing that brought these together was Bizzaro.
ep 8 after leaving in ep 2, Astra makes a very sudden and surprising return for 2 episodes and then disappears again until ep 13.

Very little held season 1 together and was full of 1 off's as its what CBS prefers. Nostalgia has a way of making things seem shinier than you actually thought at the relevant time.

Hope this helps some
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 2
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here read this article 11 reasons why season 2 is better

I read that a few days ago. I'm not bagging on the whole season. There's MUCH about this season I like better. There's just some disjointedness, is all, as many have noted. I still love the cast, and think they pull it together.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 3
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Siblings fight, they say mean things to each other, it not abnormal behavior. However I dont recall YOU'RE the reason Jeremiah left..." ever being said to Kara by Alex. refresh my memory of when that was please.

It was the same scene where Kara mentioned possibly moving to Metropolis. Protecting you..."cost me my father..."

Kiwi shared a great article with me last week:

Something that stood out to me from said article: Speaking to the only time Alex has really supported Kara this season, "The one beautiful moment we were granted this season was when Alex was being hurtled toward space with a bunch of alien prisoners and Supergirl had to forcibly stop the massive spaceship they were in. With the two sisters separated by only a pane of glass, Supergirl was finally allowed to derive some strength from someone other than Mon-El as Alex helped her succeed. The Danvers sisters were reunited for one shining moment and the show finally acknowledged the idea that these characters could be stronger together outside of their romantic entanglements.

The only problem? Kara and Alex still never appeared in the same room or interacted after that wonderful moment."

So, again, I absolutely agree with you that how they ended THAT scene was beautiful. But there are some real deep DEEP issues at hand the writers just throw out there, then just let linger out in space.

here read this article 11 reasons why season 2 is better

That is the only time Alex has supported Kara this season? are you serious?
evil prince?

thats just a few.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 4
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Siblings fight, they say mean things to each other, it not abnormal behavior. However I dont recall YOU'RE the reason Jeremiah left..." ever being said to Kara by Alex. refresh my memory of when that was please.

It was the same scene where Kara mentioned possibly moving to Metropolis. Protecting you..."cost me my father..."

Kiwi shared a great article with me last week:

Something that stood out to me from said article: Speaking to the only time Alex has really supported Kara this season, "The one beautiful moment we were granted this season was when Alex was being hurtled toward space with a bunch of alien prisoners and Supergirl had to forcibly stop the massive spaceship they were in. With the two sisters separated by only a pane of glass, Supergirl was finally allowed to derive some strength from someone other than Mon-El as Alex helped her succeed. The Danvers sisters were reunited for one shining moment and the show finally acknowledged the idea that these characters could be stronger together outside of their romantic entanglements.

The only problem? Kara and Alex still never appeared in the same room or interacted after that wonderful moment."

So, again, I absolutely agree with you that how they ended THAT scene was beautiful. But there are some real deep DEEP issues at hand the writers just throw out there, then just let linger out in space.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 5
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Undo on analysis.

...the ship scene has, indeed, been my favorite of the series, thus far. Problem was this immense scene, packed with the unsaid apology that you mentioned with which I ABSOLUTELY agree. However, wouldn't it have been even that more powerful, more well rounded had we had a scene between Alex and Kara AFTER the save?

Several of us have made note of some of the really harsh comments Alex has made to Kara over the season--striking at the heart of Kara's abandonment issues (i.e. "YOU'RE the reason Jeremiah left..." and telling her to "...then ACT like it!!!) Without this type of resolve, it adds to the disjointed feel...episode by episode NOT episode TO episode.

The ship save scene would not have in anyway been impacted by a scene that comes after it, I mean how would it? I dont understand why you feel a need for a follow up scene to put words to what was just shown. If you recall that scene ended with them both having their hands at the bottom of the window pane, it was wrapped up nicely in that scene imo.

Siblings fight, they say mean things to each other, it not abnormal behavior. However I dont recall YOU'RE the reason Jeremiah left..." ever being said to Kara by Alex. refresh my memory of when that was please.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 6
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Undo on analysis.

And, Rschick, here's an example of the problem I have, and it seems to couple a bit with Kelly..

"Remember the show is no longer episodic and sometimes they need to get a character devoloped to a certain point before a thing happens, so that thing seems to get put on the back burner (but its not forgotten). Look at how homecoming ended with everyone sad and in fighting amongst them. That made the ship save scene in exodus so much more powerful than the solar flare because the ship save also came packed with an unsaid apology to each other as they found their faith in each other."

...the ship scene has, indeed, been my favorite of the series, thus far. Problem was this immense scene, packed with the unsaid apology that you mentioned with which I ABSOLUTELY agree. However, wouldn't it have been even that more powerful, more well rounded had we had a scene between Alex and Kara AFTER the save?

Several of us have made note of some of the really harsh comments Alex has made to Kara over the season--striking at the heart of Kara's abandonment issues (i.e. "YOU'RE the reason Jeremiah left..." and telling her to "...then ACT like it!!!) Without this type of resolve, it adds to the disjointed feel...episode by episode NOT episode TO episode.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 7
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As the show stands so far, I personally feel it's disjointed. I like the focus better of Arrow and the Flash, and to an extent, Legends.

Arrow: Unlike Season 4, the flashbacks and Prometheus storylines are looking to be converging up to the finale. I think Season 5 will wrap up the Lian Yu 5-season arc quite nicely.

Flash: Flashpoint, Savitar, Savitar's reveal of Team Flash's Future, etc. I can go on and on. They all feel to be connected to the story arc. The writers in my opinion are truly doing a good job making each episode's events matter to the whole arc. This is why I'm more excited for the conclusion of Season 3 than Supergirl.

I hope the final 5 or so Supergirl episodes of Season 2 will make me realize all the seeds planted in the early part of the season (and throughout) will come to fruition towards the finale. Something that will all make sense if everything is put together is what I'm hoping for, Like "oh, that was the clue in episode X, I gotta recheck that one..."

Up to now, the very thing I still question is how significant Guardian is to Supergirl and what is the real reason why he was introduced as James Olsen's alter ego. I still think it was only a way to keep Mehcad Brooks happy.

A good story needs its plot and subplots to have real resolution (except for plots the writers want to keep open). Cross fingers, Supergirl will give that to us soon.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 8
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I think The Flash has its character game on point though.

I see what you're getting at, because to me Arrow, has it's plot currently fine, but I don't really care about its characters right now hence I'm not really enjoying it much. However take Flash for example it has a real story and it makes (me at least) care deeply about its characters.

A show needs a story. Unless it's some disjointed tale like The Simpsons. Supergirl is holding itself together through awesome characters and acting but the show will collapse if it doesn't get a story soon.

But I also see a divergence of opinion probably shaping our analysis differently. In direct contrast, while I feel have a good grip on Caitlin and Cisco and feel like they're multifaceted and I really care about them, I (sorry extremely unpopular opinion warning) don't feel much attachment to Alex. Unfortunately for me I don't connect with Alex that much so sadly I can't resonate with the example you gave. I dig the sister scenes too, but to me they're driven by Kara. The secondary characters I feel most well made on SG are Winn, J'onn, Mon-El and Lena, and they are well written for sure, so I know Supergirl nails the characters game. But the plot is the core of the show. Awesome characters without a plot is like if I hand in and ace every assignment in my degree, but miss the final exam.

TLDR of my opinion, Supergirl is good now, but with a fluent story it will be way better. If the show keeps going like this it isn't sustainable, and I'm not the only one who notices. Most reviews of this season have pointed this out too. Sometimes the hardcore fans can never see the faults, but one can trust the outside eye to spot the problem, so if most critics see it, it's a real issue. I rank this show among the top of DCTV, but I'm honest with myself and know that it's because I'm a fan.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 9
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I agree with everything @Rschick and @Kelly said. There are things like actors availability that are out of the producers and writers control. I think Max and the omegahedron would have played a big part in season two if production had stayed in LA. @Fedguy I know your a fan of Flash and often point to how that show stays focused on one big bad. Here's the thing Flash is more of a plot driven show while Supergirl is more character driven (see the attached articles). For me that's a big reason why I enjoy Supergirl more than Flash. Flash entertains me but Supergirl entertains and makes me think and care about the characters. I actually feel I know the secondary characters on Supergirl from two seasons better than I do the ones on Flash over three seasons. For peets sake we know Alex to the point where we have psychoanalyzed the character, I can't say the same for any secondary character on Flash. The show lost two characters in Cat and Max that we spent a good deal of time getting to know in season one, so a bit of a step back to get to know some new characters was necessary in season two. If we don't have new characters then there's room for season three to be slightly more plot driven but I want Supergirl to remain a character driven show.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 10
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It has seemed to me that the plot was driven by when the actors were available, ala The President (we are given a clue as to the fact she is an alien) and then we hear nothing for almost the entire season. Then Cadmus is the big bad, and that plot was actually well done early on. Brenda Strong has done an exceptional job....the suddenly it seems Dean Cain is available so here he comes for a couple of episodes and then he disappears again and is never spoken of after that. (Hey Alex where is your dad and why are you worried about how your girlfriend deals with her ex....YOUR DAD IS STILL HELD BY CADMUS).. Now Terri Hatcher is available so hey, lets write in another Big Bad at the end of the season.

As has been said, individual episodes have been great. But the overall flow of the season has been extremely bumpy.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 11
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I assume that there must have been some outline they setup for the season, Not every detail but a general outline.
That being said I think they could have done better.
I think that the CADMUS story line and the Daxam storyline should have been in two different seasons. CADMUS first because that was set up.
(While we're at it since they spent all of season one getting Kara and James together, you might as well have them date for a bit. Perhaps find a more natural reason for them to break up: their fight over him being the guardian, his distrust of Lena, his possible jealousy of Mon-El a la Barry Allen, or some mixture of the above.)

Instead of abandoning it partway through the season, give the CADMUS/Jeremiah/Luther storyline the attention it deserves. Culminating in the season finale where Jeremiah is either reunited with his family (for real this time) or killed off (for real this time) and CADMUS is, if not outright defeated then at least weakened to the point where they aren't an immediate threat.
Then in the final scene we get a message from Daxam requesting Mon-El's return, as a sequel hook.

Unfortunately they are only renewed one season at a time so they have to put everything they want to do in one season because they don't know if they will get another season. So I can understand why they did it that way.
Don't assume malice when stupidity is an adequate explanation. At least, not the first time.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 12
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Sorry to all, still gonna maintain. I've been the unfaltering fan for too long now, forcing myself to unsee all the faults and defend every aspect but now it's become too clear at least to me. I still love this show, I just hope next season is a bit better is all.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 13
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Totally agree with the comments here, especially Rschick's excellent analysis of the season. I really liked season 1 (it got me hooked, after all) but I've enjoyed season 2 even more, and although I disagree with some of the complaints about the writing, plots etc, at least I can understand where the person is coming from. But many of the other complaints remind me of people who want to read the end of the book first. Patience, Grasshopper! I agree that we are building up to a slam-bang finish.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 14
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I'll second Administration. I can tell you that from a production/technical POV that this year is superior. But I am one of those who gets caught up in the direction, the long shots, etc. Otherwise, I await the grand reveal at season's end.

A journey of 1,000 KM, begins with one step.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 15
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I too have enjoyed the writing for this season and agree with Rschick's comments. Looking forward to Season 3.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 16
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I see the writers get a lot of gruff about the story. Let me put my spin on things. Due to how things went with the show moving networks and shooting locations some things didnt follow, Cat, Lucy, Max etc. These had the effect of deleting a lot of the world building they did in season 1 and they essentially had to rebuild the world, and it has been nothing short of amazing. the SG verse as it is right now almost feels like the beginnings of the star trek universe where we have introduced new worlds, aliens, friends and foes.

What do we know about Cadmus, its run by a Luthor, its xenophobic and very dangerous. Sure we dont know where Cadmus is, but isnt that how a terrorist network is? They have established the Daxamites as a problem, and we all knew Mon-El was a prince for awhile now and that when they found him it wasnt going to be flowers a sunday walk in park type of reunion. Does anyone doubt queen Rhea is a bad person? look at the person Mon-El was when he first arrived, and the person he is now.

They have established the white martians are still abound lurking, Livewire is around, cyborg superman. They have done a nice job building up a rogues gallery for SG.

Kara is learning that she isnt supergirl, but Supergirl is Kara. Her career atm is in flux, but her story can be a slow burn as she is the lead. She is learning how to balance her life better. She is way more in control and assertive in team supergirl. Season 1, she always asked J'onn or Alex how to deal with the weekly threat, this season its her ideas and plans they execute. She even put Alex in her place in the 3rd episode "make smarter choices next time". No way she says that in season 1.

Remember the show is no longer episodic and sometimes they need to get a character devoloped to a certain point before a thing happens, so that thing seems to get put on the back burner (but its not forgotten). Look at how homecoming ended with everyone sad and in fighting amongst them. That made the ship save scene in exodus so much more powerful than the solar flare because the ship save also came packed with an unsaid apology to each other as they found their faith in each other.

So, count me as someone who has seen this season as written so much better.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 17
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Much like physics, I am waiting for a grand unifying lynchpin. Something that ties it all together with grander purpose
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 18
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