1. Fedguy
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  4. Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Barry says he could grab some friends to fight DeVoe, like even Kara, Marlize said DeVoe would beat anyone.

U̶m̶,̶ ̶e̶x̶c̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶m̶e̶?̶ ̶K̶a̶r̶a̶ ̶w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶w̶r̶e̶c̶k̶ ̶h̶i̶m̶.̶ (edit: Well, maybe not. Guy's kinda OP)
But everybody together? Probably.

Anyhow, heaps of neat stuff happened.
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Barry mentioned a “Legion” in that same line.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 1
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Ok finished. Pretty nice. The reveal of Nora wasn't really a surprise. I like how on two shows this season is all about trying to redeem the villain, albeit failing.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 2
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I mean Devoe could manipulate luck, cause Kara’s laser vision to suddenly go all wild as it did in The Fanatical. But otherwise yeah Kara could absolutely beat him. In show logic aside, can’t call your buddies to defeat the villain for you in the season finale.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 3
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Well, actually, yes, I think he could probably defeat just about anyone. First, he basically knows everything, so he should be able to predict any action Kara would take and perform an appropriate counter. Additionally...

- Ralph's body is nearly indestructible, so any physical attack from Kara would likely be useless. Freeze breath may also be ineffective. Heat vision might work though.

- He can manipulate luck (as already mentioned), so he could cause any attack to fail spectacularly.

- He can absorb energy, so he might be able to de-power Kara like he did with Killer Frost.

- He can manipulate dimensions, so he could send her into a pocket dimension that she can't escape from.

- He has a sonic attack similar to Purity which would be effective against Kara.

- He can manipulate gravity, which could negate her flying ability, although it's unknown if she could power through it or not.

- He has size alteration ability which could shrink Kara to insect size.

- He might be able to use his power transferal ability to transfer himself into Kara's body.

Plus, on top of all that, he can read minds, control any form of technology, and animate effigies. So yeah, Kara would probably have a really hard time beating him.
Imra: "What about Tommy and Gina? 'You live for the fight when it's all that you've got!'"

Mon El: "Bon Jovi."

Imra: "Or was that all a lie?"

Mon El: "No. He speaks the truth."
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 4
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I thought it was a great season of the flash. It actually kept me intrigued and kept me coming back to watch each week.

Norah--not a big surprise who she ended up being, based on her reaction at the wedding during the Cross-Over. But, it was nice to have it confirmed and out in the open for Barry and Iris to know.

Wasn't sure how in the heck they were going to beat the Thinker there in the end. Clever ending there, writers.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 5
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I thought it was a great season of the flash. It actually kept me intrigued and kept me coming back to watch each week.

Norah--not a big surprise who she ended up being, based on her reaction at the wedding during the Cross-Over. But, it was nice to have it confirmed and out in the open for Barry and Iris to know.

Wasn't sure how in the heck they were going to beat the Thinker there in the end. Clever ending there, writers.

So now we have our trinity of kids of the supers.

William (Olivers son), Nora (Barrys daughter), Ruby (Sam's daughter)

Yeah, but I agree, the Thinker is very over powered, and I believe Kara would have trouble with him.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 6
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Many valid points. I concede, Thinker is probably a tad bit invincible at this stage.

Another thing. They touched on how Harry started talking like Barry near the start of the season, but never explained what the significance is.

I'm dying to know what's the deal with those symbols and that.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 7
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Many valid points. I concede, Thinker is probably a tad bit invincible at this stage.

Another thing. They touched on how Harry started talking like Barry near the start of the season, but never explained what the significance is.

I'm dying to know what's the deal with those symbols and that.

Yeeahhhh....what in the heck was that all about, anyway? They did not do a good job wrapping that loose end up. Was it just that Barry's brain was "reset"? And if so, why? By whom? Or, was it simply meant as a foreshadowing of what was to come? And if'd he know? Why?
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 8
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I don’t think Kara would’ve been any help with the going in Devoe’s mind part but where she would’ve been a big help was when the satellite was falling. Kara would’ve been able to catch the satellite and harmlessly set it down in a field somewhere. That however would’ve taken the win away from Barry and we can’t have a hero from another show swooping in to save the day in a fellow heroes finale. I know I wouldn’t like it if Barry came in and was the one who defeated Reign. It was nice that Barry even thought of calling Kara though. I think this is the first time one hero has mentioned calling another hero for help outside a crossover episode.

I also thought it was strange that Harry was talking like Barry did in the first episode and let’s not forget Nora was writing in the same symbols Barry was so they must mean something. I heard there were cut scenes so the explanation may have been one. I heard something about showing those cut scenes at SDCC.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 9
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Well, actually, yes, I think he could probably defeat just about anyone. First, he basically knows everything, so he should be able to predict any action Kara would take and perform an appropriate counter. Additionally...

- Ralph's body is nearly indestructible, so any physical attack from Kara would likely be useless. Freeze breath may also be ineffective. Heat vision might work though.

- He can manipulate luck (as already mentioned), so he could cause any attack to fail spectacularly.

- He can absorb energy, so he might be able to de-power Kara like he did with Killer Frost.

- He can manipulate dimensions, so he could send her into a pocket dimension that she can't escape from.

- He has a sonic attack similar to Purity which would be effective against Kara.

- He can manipulate gravity, which could negate her flying ability, although it's unknown if she could power through it or not.

- He has size alteration ability which could shrink Kara to insect size.

- He might be able to use his power transferal ability to transfer himself into Kara's body.

Plus, on top of all that, he can read minds, control any form of technology, and animate effigies. So yeah, Kara would probably have a really hard time beating him.

i am going to show my 100% bias with this. BTW, I just saw the finale. Thinker is not actively listening for a Kryptonian mind and Kryptonian minds are stronger against psychic attack. Additionally, while Devoe is in the real world his only speed defense is his travel to the pocket dimension. If he is caught surprised, kara’s Speed aside from flash time is equal to Barry’s and she could get to him, then no matter what his size is, crush him like a big! End all be all, there are plenty of counters to my arguements I am already thinking of ... but, I didn’t make a flash website. I made a SUPERGIRL one!
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 10
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Additionally, while Devoe is in the real world his only speed defense is his travel to the pocket dimension. If he is caught surprised, kara’s Speed aside from flash time is equal to Barry’s and she could get to him, then no matter what his size is, crush him like a bug!
Ok, Barry bringing Kara into Flashtime probably would’ve worked. Devoe didn’t have a defense against Flashtime and if Cisco and Caitlin can stay in Flashtime for long enough to save the people in ARGUS then Kara would last even longer. Flight might be out for her in Flashtime at least without more time for both her and Barry to train being that far apart but all her other powers would work. The question is once the superfriends have Devoe “frozen” in front of them what do they do with him? They’re both against killing and I don’t think the pipeline would’ve held Devoe.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 11
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If not fighting DeVoe, Kara could probably fly to space and blow up the satellites. (With some aid, maybe borrow Mon-El's ring)

Otherwise the shrink and density control thing is a bummer for anyone. I reckon actually, the best counter to DeVoe might be Ray Palmer, assuming he can be small enough to be undetected. Once DeVoe knows he's there he's screwed.

J'onn might be neat too given he controls his own density and he's a telepath.

Oh and if Oliver Queen has his hands on Kryptonite, then it's all too easy for the smartest guy in the multiverse to do the same.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 12
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The symbols and weird speech probably tie into the next season given Nora was drawing them. But if dark matter fried Harry into doing it, then and DeVoe's plan involves turning everyone into that, what's his relation to it?
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 13
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Oh yeahhhhh...Supergirl could have taken out ALL of the satellites #GameOver #CouldaBroughtHerCousinTooToHelpWithThat
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 14
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Oh yeahhhhh...Supergirl could have taken out ALL of the satellites #GameOver #CouldaBroughtHerCousinTooToHelpWithThat

Maybe, but it's also likely DeVoe would've predicted their involvement and taken steps to protect the satellites. In addition to his other abilities, when he's in his chair he can also create powerful force fields. If he was able to surround the satellites with similar force fields it would end up like Supergirl season 1, where Kara was unable to take out the Myriad satellites. If Lena can create force fields strong enough to stop Reign, then DeVoe should have no problem creating even stronger ones.
Imra: "What about Tommy and Gina? 'You live for the fight when it's all that you've got!'"

Mon El: "Bon Jovi."

Imra: "Or was that all a lie?"

Mon El: "No. He speaks the truth."
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 15
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i am going to show my 100% bias with this. BTW, I just saw the finale. Thinker is not actively listening for a Kryptonian mind and Kryptonian minds are stronger against psychic attack. Additionally, while Devoe is in the real world his only speed defense is his travel to the pocket dimension. If he is caught surprised, kara’s Speed aside from flash time is equal to Barry’s and she could get to him, then no matter what his size is, crush him like a big! End all be all, there are plenty of counters to my arguements I am already thinking of ... but, I didn’t make a flash website. I made a SUPERGIRL one!

Well, this starts getting into one of the problems with this season. Similar to how we argue about Kara's fluctuating power levels, Thinker's abilities seemed to fluctuate somewhat throughout the season. For most of the season he was like 100 steps ahead of everyone and everything was predicted or planned, but on occasion Team Flash was somehow able to take him by surprise. Honestly, given his level of predictive ability, even going so far as to know what Siren X from another universe would do, It seems like he should never have been surprised by anything. Even Barry entering his mind in the finale was all planned according to him. The fact that Barry and Ralph were able to beat DeVoe in his own mind seems kind of ludicrous to me. In the world of his mind he should essentially be God, and should have easily been able to stop them.

As far as Kara crushing him, I don't think that would work. Trying to crush Ralph's body would probably be like trying to crush Jell-O - he'd just squeeze through her fingers. However, on second thought, her freeze breath might actually be effective if it's able to prevent him from stretching and she could then shatter him.

Of course, this assumes that anyone is able to get past his luck aura. Anyone who got too close would just trip over their own feet, or get their cape caught on something, or have some other unfortunate event befall them at the last moment. His force fields could also stop any speed/surprise attempt, as even Barry was unable to phase through them.

Speaking of Flash Time though, I'm honestly surprised that Barry never tried using this on him. Considering that he is essentially stopping time, it's one of his most OP abilities, short of time travel. This really should have been the way he stopped DeVoe - Flash Time vs. Speed of Mind, although the ending we got was pretty cool too.
Imra: "What about Tommy and Gina? 'You live for the fight when it's all that you've got!'"

Mon El: "Bon Jovi."

Imra: "Or was that all a lie?"

Mon El: "No. He speaks the truth."
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 16
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