1. Gavagai
  2. Sherlock Holmes The Voice
  3. Supergirl Season 3
  4. Sunday, 23 July 2017
I looked at the season three trailer and I couldn't help but notice the contrast between Kara's attitude: "I am not human.... Kara Danvers was a mistake" and Cat's advice to both Supergirl (human connection is what gives life meaning) and Kara (what makes women strong is that they have the guts to allow themselves to be vulnerable)

I heard that Cat will have a larger role in season 3 than she did season 2.

Perhaps part of it will be getting Kara out of her post Mon El funk?

We already saw that she isn't going to let Kara mope. ("What's wrong with your face" )

It would also be interesting to see how Cat might react if Supergirl stops being her usual perky self and starts brooding. (If you recall the last time Supergirl was less than perky, Cat summoned Supergirl to her office, and Supergirl threw Cat off her balcony.)

Will Cat be so frustrated that she slips up and calls Supergirl Kara? (We know she knows)

There is just so much to think about.
Don't assume malice when stupidity is an adequate explanation. At least, not the first time.
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I do think Cat will play an important part in helping Kara find balance again. Kara respects Cat and it's unlikely Kara would just blow what Cat tells her off completely. Cat for her part isn't going to let Kara quit her job without a fight. And yes I could see the situation Gavagai described where Cat says she was wrong before.

Everyone in her life will have a unique way of helping Kara through her grief.

J'onn in his hundreds of years on Earth may have had a time when he wanted to give up on humans. In season one when J'onn wanted give up and let the white martian kill him because he was tired of fighting and being the last. It was Kara who understood him and convinced him to keep fighting the good fight. I can see J'onn reminding Kara of what she told him.

Alex of course is Kara's strongest link to humanity. Alex will be the first one to notice how Kara's handling her grief. Since we are going to have a six month time jump Alex may already be at the point where she's done giving her sister space. Alex will fight for her sister with her last ounce of strength and we all know how strong Alex Danvers is.

Winn was the one who had the courage to literally stand in front of Kara to stop her from going after Max. I think he said something like "if you do this you're no better than Astra" Kara replied "maybe I'm not" then Winn said something like "if you're not then what chance do we have"

James reminded Kara of her human side when he convinced her it wasn't ok to simply hold Max at the DEO. Even Alex didn't want to let him go.

Lena because she still believes Kara and Supergirl are different people provides someone who Kara can still be human with without all the expectations of being Supergirl too.

Maggie can remind Kara that it was her human side that stopped her from setting a murderer free then reminded him of his own humanity.

Mon-El when he comes back can show her that we can't live our lives in fear of pain that might or might not happen.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I do think Cat will play an important part in helping Kara find balance again. Kara respects Cat and it's unlikely Kara would just blow what Cat tells her off completely. Cat for her part isn't going to let Kara quit her job without a fight. And yes I could see the situation Gavagai described where Cat says she was wrong before.

Everyone in her life will have a unique way of helping Kara through her grief.

J'onn in his hundreds of years on Earth may have had a time when he wanted to give up on humans. In season one when J'onn wanted give up and let the white martian kill him because he was tired of fighting and being the last. It was Kara who understood him and convinced him to keep fighting the good fight. I can see J'onn reminding Kara of what she told him.

Alex of course is Kara's strongest link to humanity. Alex will be the first one to notice how Kara's handling her grief. Since we are going to have a six month time jump Alex may already be at the point where she's done giving her sister space. Alex will fight for her sister with her last ounce of strength and we all know how strong Alex Danvers is.

Winn was the one who had the courage to literally stand in front of Kara to stop her from going after Max. I think he said something like "if you do this you're no better than Astra" Kara replied "maybe I'm not" then Winn said something like "if you're not then what chance do we have"

James reminded Kara of her human side when he convinced her it wasn't ok to simply hold Max at the DEO. Even Alex didn't want to let him go.

Lena because she still believes Kara and Supergirl are different people provides someone who Kara can still be human with without all the expectations of being Supergirl too.

Maggie can remind Kara that it was her human side that stopped her from setting a murderer free then reminded him of his own humanity.

Mon-El when he comes back can show her that we can't live our lives in fear of pain that might or might not happen.

This! I hope all of them, including the kid cast, have a part. But, eventually, I also hope it is a realisation that Kara comes to on her own, but with the support of her loved ones.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 2
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
In the trailer, we saw Kara taking off her glasses in CatCo. It looked like she was walking toward Cat's office at the time. I wonder if Kara is going to quit her job, and out herself to Cat at the same time. Cat won't have any of it, of course, and will tell Kara to get over it and go finish whatever story she has been assigned.
Or something like that. Cat isn't going to let Kara quit her job, if that's what Kara is doing.
Anyway, I do think Cat will be somehow involved in helping Kara getting past her grief over losing Mon-El.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 3
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
In the trailer, we saw Kara taking off her glasses in CatCo. It looked like she was walking toward Cat's office at the time. I wonder if Kara is going to quit her job, and out herself to Cat at the same time. Cat won't have any of it, of course, and will tell Kara to get over it and go finish whatever story she has been assigned.
Or something like that. Cat isn't going to let Kara quit her job, if that's what Kara is doing.
Anyway, I do think Cat will be somehow involved in helping Kara getting past her grief over losing Mon-El.

I'm pretty sure that's Lena's office, but I like the idea of Cat insisting that Kara keep her job. It would show just how much both Cat and Kara have changed since season 1

In season 1 episode 9 (Blood Bonds) Cat figured out that Kara is Supergirl and insisted that she quit because Supergirl was more important. Kara tricked Cat so she could keep her job because it helps her feel human.

In season 3 Cat could insist that Kara stay at Catco because human connection is important, and Kara could try to quit because Kara thinks that Supergirl is more important. Maybe Cat will reveal that she knows, but this time instead of trying to hide Kara will be okay with it. Maybe Kara will even use Cat's own words against her, and Cat will reply "I was wrong"
Don't assume malice when stupidity is an adequate explanation. At least, not the first time.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 4
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I'm pretty sure that's Lena's office,

I really should have rewatched the trailer before posting. I was mistaken, and you are correct, that is Lena's office, not CatCo.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 5
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I do think Cat will play an important part in helping Kara find balance again. Kara respects Cat and it's unlikely Kara would just blow what Cat tells her off completely. Cat for her part isn't going to let Kara quit her job without a fight. And yes I could see the situation Gavagai described where Cat says she was wrong before.

Everyone in her life will have a unique way of helping Kara through her grief.

J'onn in his hundreds of years on Earth may have had a time when he wanted to give up on humans. In season one when J'onn wanted give up and let the white martian kill him because he was tired of fighting and being the last. It was Kara who understood him and convinced him to keep fighting the good fight. I can see J'onn reminding Kara of what she told him.

Alex of course is Kara's strongest link to humanity. Alex will be the first one to notice how Kara's handling her grief. Since we are going to have a six month time jump Alex may already be at the point where she's done giving her sister space. Alex will fight for her sister with her last ounce of strength and we all know how strong Alex Danvers is.

Winn was the one who had the courage to literally stand in front of Kara to stop her from going after Max. I think he said something like "if you do this you're no better than Astra" Kara replied "maybe I'm not" then Winn said something like "if you're not then what chance do we have"

James reminded Kara of her human side when he convinced her it wasn't ok to simply hold Max at the DEO. Even Alex didn't want to let him go.

Lena because she still believes Kara and Supergirl are different people provides someone who Kara can still be human with without all the expectations of being Supergirl too.

Maggie can remind Kara that it was her human side that stopped her from setting a murderer free then reminded him of his own humanity.

Mon-El when he comes back can show her that we can't live our lives in fear of pain that might or might not happen.

This! I hope all of them, including the kid cast, have a part. But, eventually, I also hope it is a realisation that Kara comes to on her own, but with the support of her loved ones.

Ultimately it will have to be Kara's choice. Her friends and family can show her why embracing both her humanity as well as her Kryptonian heritage makes her a better hero but they can't and shouldn't try to chose for her. Kara's basic generally optimistic and sunny personality will eventually come through but just as the events of season one changed her so will the events of season two. Things happen in our lives that while they don't change who we fundamentally are do effect us for better or worse.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 6
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I definitely noticed too that the attitude Kara displays in the trailer seems like a direct contradiction to the message at the end of the season about women working through their grief.

I'm very worried though that the Cat actress probably won't be available enough to really take on the mentor role and talk Kara through this like would be the most sense.

So I kinda worry they will mostly have her pop up to deliver some jokes and not to have a meaningful impact on what is happening. The way they talked about her role in the premiere being creative made me worried that maybe she'll only be there via video message and not in person.

They also said James would be more responsible at CatCo or something like that? So I worry that Cat will actually have very little presence this season, even though the show is really trying to get her back and use her.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 7
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