1. Fedguy
  2. Love Fool Sherlock Holmes The Voice
  3. Supergirl General Discussion
  4. Friday, 15 September 2017
So if you follow the social media of some SG actors you can see certain things going on, like "Melwood" or her and Katie being shipped together etc.

Worse is there is already people actually demanding their pairings come true and getting angry when otherwise.

The fictional versions of the ships has already caused much chaos, but extending that into real life I believe is a breach of personal rights for the actors and even more perplexing. I have no clue why people feel like doing such things.
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I know her and Chris are actually together. That does not mean you can "ship" them. They are real people for goodness sake.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 1
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Shipping real people is not okay ever. The only exception, /maybe/, is when those people are already dead, like historical figures or whatever. And even then, it's still super iffy.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 2
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First time in a LONG time I've seen everyone on the same page. And I agree. This real life shipping BS is unhealthy. I personally think people take the shipping of fictional characters too seriously (just my opinion, you all have the right to yours). But throwing real life people into that category, and getting mad at them for not being with who you want them to be with in real life? Just scary.

Let people live their lives.

As for locking down the set...I can't say, I've never been to Vancouver. But I would imagine that they've got bodyguards and such, on set. Sure, you can get long distance BTS photos. But I've never seen one taken close enough to imply the fan taking the photo could do some harm.

Either way, I'd err on the side of caution, as well. I'd happily give up BTS stuff, just so the actors could be safer.

Honestly, from a spoiler standpoint, I might actually prefer it. I would like what's coming up to be a surprise, lol. Locking down sets would go a long way in that respect.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 3
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Mainly on Instagram in comments of photos

And then there was some crazy fan that stalked them to their house? YIKES.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 4
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Shipping real people is so gross, and some of the melwood shippers are...scary, for lack of a better word. They're obsessed with them. Like, if you wanna obsess over fake people, thats fine, but real people? That's creepy.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 5
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The unfortunate thing nowadays is that people have a very hard time separating fact from fiction, illusion from reality and the definition of personal boundaries. This is a collective let-down of the social (family rearing), educational (critical thinking) and public education (global awareness) systems.

Having a momentary crush on or freak-out moment for a favourite celebrity (actor, musician, sports star, etc.) is fine since this has happened since the dawn of time, but it should only be that - momentary.

When you actually meet an actor, sports figure, musician, etc. always remember one thing - they're human and they're simply fulfilling a particular role at a particular time. Be kind, courteous and respectful and know that this meeting is, by and large, nothing overly personal and should be treated as such. Doing so respects their boundaries and keep you (the fan) grounded as to who or what this person actually is or what they represent.

And, as you can guess, no, I'm definitely not a proponent of "shipping" in any way, shape or form. Those types of far-fetched illusions are best left on the screen (where they belong).
"Outdated And Antiquated" - Ron Sexsmith, from the CD/LP/Download The Vivian Line. (2023)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 6
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Oh? I didn't know this happened. That is sad and scary. And it'd likely be too worrisome for the actors--to watch your every word. (They are not national/international leaders for heaven's sake; not those guys' personal relationships should be tracked; but, I am just saying we expect our actors to be superheroes, which I think is extremely unfair to them.)

The whole SDCC fiasco was also because people didn't expect them to be human who make mistakes and cannot be omniscient.

Just enjoy them for their talent; be happy if they support/share your ethical views because it is nice to feel that, but let them be themselves and do not make demands of them except that they give their best to the shows that they work on.

You don't know where they are coming from. So, do not judge.

You don't own them. So, do not make demands.

PS: What is a bughead? And who would give that for a shipname? (It sounds like some weird demon from Buffy with a bug for a head).
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 7
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"Bughead" is the ship name for Betty and Jughead.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 8
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When you actually meet an actor, sports figure, musician, etc. always remember one thing - they're human and they're simply fulfilling a particular role at a particular time. Be kind, courteous and respectful and know that this meeting is, by and large, nothing overly personal and should be treated as such. Doing so respects their boundaries and keep you (the fan) grounded as to who or what this person actually is or what they represent.

Indeed, Rom, indeed.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 9
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Yeah, I'd say that's too far. I never got the fascination people have with celebrity couples to begin with (it doesn't affect me in any way. If they're happy good for them) Shipping people seems worse, particularly if they aren't even dating. It's like some form of speculative voyeurism. Yikes!!

When shipping becomes stalking, it stops being a fan thing and starts being a crazy person thing.
Don't assume malice when stupidity is an adequate explanation. At least, not the first time.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 10
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Maybe it's because I have pretty much muted any and all things having to do with ships....but I haven't seen much of this happening. Any ship to the point of people arguing which is best, gnashing of teeth when it doesn't go exactly has one has dreamed it, and all out "bathockey" craziness is just weird.....IMO. So I just mute all of it....

EDIT: I guess you are talking about the fanfic about Chris and Melissa......don't want to go into what its about.......BUT UM YEAH.......staying far away from that crazy stuff.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 11
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Mainly on Instagram in comments of photos
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 12
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In bad cases there are negative comments directed at her for being with Chris and not Katie. Don't think people realise they cannot shape reality and other people's lives and sexuality. But either way, any of the fictional ships reflected into real life is perverse and should be discouraged.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 13
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Mainly on Instagram in comments of photos

And then there was some crazy fan that stalked them to their house? YIKES.

Unfortunately that happens far too often, and with the series filmed in Vancouver, I think the CW has allowed the fans far too much one on one with the actors...parents bringing children on to the set to meet Melissa....that isn't a problem, but from the fan videos I have seen, it blows my mind just how close they are to the actual filming. It just isn't safe, and I hope that they lock down their set much better in the future. Some fans get a warped since of entitlement and supposed friendship with these people that just isn't there, and it can lead to some pretty unhealthy obsessions.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 14
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Mainly on Instagram in comments of photos

And then there was some crazy fan that stalked them to their house? YIKES.

Unfortunately that happens far too often, and with the series filmed in Vancouver, I think the CW has allowed the fans far too much one on one with the actors...parents bringing children on to the set to meet Melissa....that isn't a problem, but from the fan videos I have seen, it blows my mind just how close they are to the actual filming. It just isn't safe, and I hope that they lock down their set much better in the future.

I think it's a Vancouver thing. OUAT films up there, and that's an abc show, but I've heard their fans have similar free rein.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 15
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This is horrible behavior! Just because a person makes a living in front of a camera doesn't mean they forfeit the right to a personal life. I say except for kids and the adults accompanying them lock down the sets. I'm perfectly willing to go without BTS pictures if it stops this nonsense.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 16
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Glad we are all united on this, bias on the fiction aspect notwithstanding
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 17
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^^^I think fictional shipping is damaging enough lol from what we can see. So I believe we agree
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 18
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The set being open is a great thing I think. The studio likely does that because they think people are normal people like we'd think people are, and not the insane horde of "shippers" that regular people would have never seen coming. The mentality of shipping as a whole is to blame. Why on earth would you like a franchise just to obsess over an imagined pairing?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 19
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As far as the set is concerned, yes they have bodyguards.....and honestly, I don't think anyone is going to harm the actors....what I'm talking about as far as the set visits and how closely fans interact with the actors is that in some fans it builds a false idea of friendship with the actors, and for some fans that is a catalyst to some pretty unhealthy reactions that, for the most part, end up manifesting themselves on tumblr, instagram and twitter. Once that happens, you now have the problem of a fan's obsession over a character on a show now has moved to the personal. Allowing fan interaction like they do in Vancouver....whichever show you are talking about, IMO, has led to a lot of the problems we see on social media. IMHO, only fans such as the girl scouts from the last couple years, and other kids groups should have set access. Other than that, the fans should be kept at a distance....behind a line that is being watched....and if the actors choose to come over and converse, then they have that option...but what happened on the "Riverdale" set was ridiculous and should have NEVER been allowed to happen. Especially since one of the new actresses coming on this season is getting death threats from people because they are afraid she will break up the ship "Bughead". So freaking crazy.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 20
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