- Supergirl.tv Admin
- Supergirl Season 4
- Monday, 18 June 2018
Been thinking like anyone would do after a big finale like this. If showrunners are looking to do an alternate troubled version of Supergirl, why not Red Lantern Supergirl. Red Son is a Superman story. But if they go that way maybe they could merge the storyline. Red Son Kara could be so angry that she gets a Red Lantern ring. Then you have Red Son Supergirl with a Red Lantern Ribg versus Supergirl with a Legion Ring. That is a showdown I’d watch!
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
Since we didn't get a solid Overgirl/Alex scene in the cross-over, would love to see that "corrected" next season
Yeah yeah yeah...we had a Red Kryptonite Kara. But, I have a feeling, with how brilliant Melissa is, she's going to be approaching this differently.
P.S....the "Supergirl Flies In" clock really bites tonight
But...not nearly as bad as the past two summers.

P.S....the "Supergirl Flies In" clock really bites tonight

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 4
- # 1
1) I just noticed the clock do you have confirmation on 10/14.
2) I read up on both red lantern Supergirl and the Red Son Superman stories. They both sound like something only Melissa can pull off.
2) I read up on both red lantern Supergirl and the Red Son Superman stories. They both sound like something only Melissa can pull off.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 4
- # 3
I just noticed the clock do you have confirmation on 10/14.not confirmed but unlike previous years, we are confirmed for season four, and we have a very likely date. I’m not unwilling to change when it is official but this makes a good estimate for us.
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 4
- # 4
It'd be fun to incorporate, but it comes with all the baggage that comes with incorporating anything from a different property (Green Lantern). I think it'll be a lot more like when Black Kryptonite was used on Kara back in 2006, in issue 5 of what was the then current comic series.
However, the split version being found in Siberia raises other questions. What foreign power wouldn't love to get their hands on and try to weaponize a Kryptonian?
I personally would have written this finale differently. Especially with the knowledge of Melissa's Broadway schedule clashing with the beginning of season 4's filming. But they may not have known those scheduling issues when they scripted this.
What I personally would have liked is a big throwdown between Reign and Sam, but Reign still having the edge due to Pestilence and Purity's added powers. Things look dire and Reign is about to kill Sam, Mon-El, Alura, and everyone involved when Kara sacrifices herself to save Sam, knowing she is a mother, giving Sam the opportunity to deal the final blow, perhaps with the sword.
The season ends with the belief that Supergirl has died. A private funeral is held and Kara is sent off into space, as Astra was, per Kryptonian funeral custom. Mon-El and the Legion return to the future, as originally intended, but not before Mon-El places a Legion Ring on the seemingly deceased Supergirl, making her an honorary posthumous Legion member. To honor her fallen friend, a newly superpowered Sam creates a new costumed identity, akin to Superwoman, but not necessarily that. The last shot would be a close up on Kara's floating space-casket. The camera zooms in closer until the screen goes black, and we hear a single heartbeat, giving hope of Supergirl's return. And that's my season's end.
My version of season 4 would pick up some time later, Sam still operating as a hero in Supergirl's absence. In the meantime, we see a shot of Kara's space-casket floating towards the sun.
On Earth, Sam eventually comes across something she can't seem to beat. Suddenly, a bright yellow flash comes from the sky. Supergirl has returned. Her casket coming into such close proximity to the yellow sun healed her, and the Legion ring allowed her to fly in space, bursting from her pod and returning to Earth just in time to save her friends.
She uses her current excess of power to defeat whatever enemy Sam and the others are facing. The excess energy dissipates. There is a tearful reunion, and season 4 kicks off.
One of my season long arcs would be Kara's over-exposure to solar radiation making her sick, like Overgirl was, and the team spending an arc trying to find a way to keep Kara from meeting the same fate.
I know it's super dark, but I think it would have been a powerful ending, as intense as Kara's first fight with Reign. Emotions would run high, both with Kara's presumed death at the end of my version of season 3, and upon her return in the beginning of season 4.
And having one or two episodes of Sam operating as the city's hero before Supergirl returns would give Melissa the leeway she needs while finishing her run on Broadway.
It's all a moot point, now, so I figured no harm in sharing how I would have done it. Still, that twist with the other Kara was unforeseen, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what they do with it.
However, the split version being found in Siberia raises other questions. What foreign power wouldn't love to get their hands on and try to weaponize a Kryptonian?
I personally would have written this finale differently. Especially with the knowledge of Melissa's Broadway schedule clashing with the beginning of season 4's filming. But they may not have known those scheduling issues when they scripted this.
What I personally would have liked is a big throwdown between Reign and Sam, but Reign still having the edge due to Pestilence and Purity's added powers. Things look dire and Reign is about to kill Sam, Mon-El, Alura, and everyone involved when Kara sacrifices herself to save Sam, knowing she is a mother, giving Sam the opportunity to deal the final blow, perhaps with the sword.
The season ends with the belief that Supergirl has died. A private funeral is held and Kara is sent off into space, as Astra was, per Kryptonian funeral custom. Mon-El and the Legion return to the future, as originally intended, but not before Mon-El places a Legion Ring on the seemingly deceased Supergirl, making her an honorary posthumous Legion member. To honor her fallen friend, a newly superpowered Sam creates a new costumed identity, akin to Superwoman, but not necessarily that. The last shot would be a close up on Kara's floating space-casket. The camera zooms in closer until the screen goes black, and we hear a single heartbeat, giving hope of Supergirl's return. And that's my season's end.
My version of season 4 would pick up some time later, Sam still operating as a hero in Supergirl's absence. In the meantime, we see a shot of Kara's space-casket floating towards the sun.
On Earth, Sam eventually comes across something she can't seem to beat. Suddenly, a bright yellow flash comes from the sky. Supergirl has returned. Her casket coming into such close proximity to the yellow sun healed her, and the Legion ring allowed her to fly in space, bursting from her pod and returning to Earth just in time to save her friends.
She uses her current excess of power to defeat whatever enemy Sam and the others are facing. The excess energy dissipates. There is a tearful reunion, and season 4 kicks off.
One of my season long arcs would be Kara's over-exposure to solar radiation making her sick, like Overgirl was, and the team spending an arc trying to find a way to keep Kara from meeting the same fate.
I know it's super dark, but I think it would have been a powerful ending, as intense as Kara's first fight with Reign. Emotions would run high, both with Kara's presumed death at the end of my version of season 3, and upon her return in the beginning of season 4.
And having one or two episodes of Sam operating as the city's hero before Supergirl returns would give Melissa the leeway she needs while finishing her run on Broadway.
It's all a moot point, now, so I figured no harm in sharing how I would have done it. Still, that twist with the other Kara was unforeseen, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what they do with it.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 4
- # 5
I have a feeling this red daughter arc won’t be a season long one. It’s not physically sustainable to have Melissa play the villain for a whole season. Savatar’s suit made it possible for a version of Barry to be the big bad because it meant Grant only had to play the dual roles for five or so episodes. Also Savatar wasn’t introduced from the beginning and wasn’t revealed to be a timeremnant until nearly the end.
Maybe we’re going to get multiple villains.
Maybe we’re going to get multiple villains.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 4
- # 6
I'm curious if Kara will be forced to learn a lesson about the perils of time travel. Barry learned the hard way, that when you change time to save someone's life, it always balances out somewhere else, and someone else pays for it.
In the "original" timeline, Reign was defeated, but took 3 lives. Sam, Mon-El, and Alura. Kara thinks it's because she came in with the intention of killing. But she didn't do the killing of Reign, Sam did. Kara used the foreknowledge of what Sam was about to do to change the future and save 3 lives.
But what is the cost? A presumably evil Supergirl that may end up under the control of a foreign superpower? How many lives will be lost because she meddled with time? I hope that, if this new Kara in Siberia ends up taking lives, that the cost of our Kara's meddling with time is actually explored, and not swept under the rug. Barry changing time for his own benefit, especially in season 3 of Flash, was a VERY big deal. To the point where he refuses to do it again. I hope Kara learns the same lesson. Because the Legion ring and the DEO's ability to detect temporal disruptions gives her the ability to change time at will. And if it's taboo on at least 2 of the other shows, it needs to be established as taboo, here.
Heck, even the Legion faced unforeseen consequences of changing the timeline. They stopped the Blight but caused a new threat to emerge.
In the "original" timeline, Reign was defeated, but took 3 lives. Sam, Mon-El, and Alura. Kara thinks it's because she came in with the intention of killing. But she didn't do the killing of Reign, Sam did. Kara used the foreknowledge of what Sam was about to do to change the future and save 3 lives.
But what is the cost? A presumably evil Supergirl that may end up under the control of a foreign superpower? How many lives will be lost because she meddled with time? I hope that, if this new Kara in Siberia ends up taking lives, that the cost of our Kara's meddling with time is actually explored, and not swept under the rug. Barry changing time for his own benefit, especially in season 3 of Flash, was a VERY big deal. To the point where he refuses to do it again. I hope Kara learns the same lesson. Because the Legion ring and the DEO's ability to detect temporal disruptions gives her the ability to change time at will. And if it's taboo on at least 2 of the other shows, it needs to be established as taboo, here.
Heck, even the Legion faced unforeseen consequences of changing the timeline. They stopped the Blight but caused a new threat to emerge.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 4
- # 7
Yeah, im figuring the Red Daughter storyline will take half the season. Perhaps even have alt Kara wearing a mask like Earth X Kara ...so that Our Kara doesnt realize what happened until midseason?
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 4
- # 8
Some Lena talk...
Been seeing anger arise, some feeling if Lena "goes bad," they feel the writers will have just been misleading us.
I think I have to disagree on this one. I compare Lena's possible leaning into the darkside Season 4 to Sam's journey. We've been drawn into Lena's story. If she started off an evil villian, there wouldn't be any room for character building and/or growth. Keeping her in the grey has kept us all actively guessing--will she, won't she--and us the viewer battling her darkside alongside her. If she dabbles into said dark Luthor family line S4, I think we'll be screaming at our tv's for her to fight it. That, IMO, makes for awesome television.
This would also leave the door open to Lena remaining a character on the show. After all, if she was always bad and stayed bad, eventually she would have to be defeated and the character leave the storyline. This allows for dabbling in the dark for a spell, and then have a redemption story--allowing for her to always then have relevance to Kara's story.
Been seeing anger arise, some feeling if Lena "goes bad," they feel the writers will have just been misleading us.
I think I have to disagree on this one. I compare Lena's possible leaning into the darkside Season 4 to Sam's journey. We've been drawn into Lena's story. If she started off an evil villian, there wouldn't be any room for character building and/or growth. Keeping her in the grey has kept us all actively guessing--will she, won't she--and us the viewer battling her darkside alongside her. If she dabbles into said dark Luthor family line S4, I think we'll be screaming at our tv's for her to fight it. That, IMO, makes for awesome television.
This would also leave the door open to Lena remaining a character on the show. After all, if she was always bad and stayed bad, eventually she would have to be defeated and the character leave the storyline. This allows for dabbling in the dark for a spell, and then have a redemption story--allowing for her to always then have relevance to Kara's story.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 4
- # 9
Honestly, I am not excited to hear that they're doing another Superman story for Supergirl. At times it feels as though the producers/writers would rather be doing a Superman story but, don't have the rights so they're settling on Supergirl but, using his stories.
I've heard bits and pieces about Red Lantern Supergirl but, I don't know the entire background. The problem that I foresee with doing any story that originated in the comics, rather it be for Supergirl or Superman, are the complaints that I often see from comic book fans that the story didn't follow the true path taken in the comics. Or that they didn't do it as good. Or that that character wasn't in it. To me, it would be like reading a book before watching a movie made about the book. You know the ending and it's never as good as it was in the book. I know that there isn't a wealth of material in the comics about Supergirl but, I really don't know why they don't create their own stories for her. Television shows and movies, I think, are the modern day "comic books". I would love to see some creative, original ideas developed for Supergirl on the show.
@Kdogg - I really like your ideas, except I would have had the team, Alex, James and Sam all help out because, of course, no one person can do the job of Supergirl
. I know it would have been a bit darker but, that ending would have meshed so much better with the way the first half of the season was set up.
I've heard bits and pieces about Red Lantern Supergirl but, I don't know the entire background. The problem that I foresee with doing any story that originated in the comics, rather it be for Supergirl or Superman, are the complaints that I often see from comic book fans that the story didn't follow the true path taken in the comics. Or that they didn't do it as good. Or that that character wasn't in it. To me, it would be like reading a book before watching a movie made about the book. You know the ending and it's never as good as it was in the book. I know that there isn't a wealth of material in the comics about Supergirl but, I really don't know why they don't create their own stories for her. Television shows and movies, I think, are the modern day "comic books". I would love to see some creative, original ideas developed for Supergirl on the show.
@Kdogg - I really like your ideas, except I would have had the team, Alex, James and Sam all help out because, of course, no one person can do the job of Supergirl

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 4
- # 10
@Kdogg - I really like your ideas, except I would have had the team, Alex, James and Sam all help out because, of course, no one person can do the job of Supergirl. I know it would have been a bit darker but, that ending would have meshed so much better with the way the first half of the season was set up.
I appreciate the props. I agree, they would be supporting Sam, in my version. During our super long hiatus, I had a time to think about how I would personally like the season to wrap. Those first 9 episodes were so dark, and whenever I'm writing, I like to use what they've done as a base, instead of going full-on fan-fiction. Then I like to see how much I was correct about.
I was nowhere near correct about this season...which, cool, i didn't predict it. But man, the back half of the season lost so much momentum and potential. I love this show and will watch to the end because I'm a lifelong Supergirl fan, and I love Melissa in the role. But I can't say I was particularly happy with episodes 10-forward. I thought 10, following the truly epic Reign fight, should have had more time where we truly wonder if Kara was going to be okay, perhaps picking up RIGHT after the fight. I would have liked to see each character individually visit Kara in some sort of hospital bed, expressing their feelings and fears to her as she's comatose. Especially Alex. I mean...Kara getting beat like that was the first time she truly seemed vulnerable, outside of Kryptonite. And I can see that scaring the crap out of Alex and the rest of Kara's friends, leaving some emotional scars. Maybe have some stifled emotion from James as he tries to lie to Lena about where Kara is, knowing that Lena's friend is in critical condition and he can't tell her. Instead, they rushed forward, without really addressing anybody's emotions regarding Supergirl's defeat at Reign's hands. That had a great foundation for some really rich and emotional material, and squandered it.
Another thing is, throughout their first fight, Supergirl insists she's not afraid of Reign, despite being beaten and bloody. She even says that in her coma dream, I believe. I think a much stronger moment would have been her having to acknowledge her fear before truly being able to get the upper hand on Reign.
There were some really good back half episodes. I thought the Purity episode was really good, except Alex's hostility towards Purity being blamed on the breakup with Maggie was just stupid. It would have made MUCH more sense if the hostility was because she's afraid of more Worldkillers, and what they could do to Kara. Especially after seeing what just one of them, alone, did to Supergirl.
The Pestilence and Trinity episodes were also strong. As were the Argo portions of "Dark Side of the Moon" and "Not Kansas". But man, the side plots were terrible.
I think, truly, the biggest problem of the season is that they rushed some stories and elements they really should have taken their time on and fleshed out, and in their place stuffed in some really haphazard side plots or one-off episodes.
EDIT: Back to the concept of next season:
I'm optimistic. I really am. I did NOT see the other Kara coming. That was a pleasant surprise. I think Brainy will be a fantastic addition. He might even bring back some of the same dynamic Kara and Winn had in season 1, carrying a bit of a crush on her. Character descriptions for new characters give us some insight that we'll have more time spent at Catco, which is great. I love seeing Kara as Supergirl, but I feel she was barely ever "Kara Danvers" in the last quarter of the season.
As for this "Red Son", or rather, "Red Daughter?" storyline. It won't be ripped straight from comics. They, by necessity, will have to create an original story, which is a good thing. It reduces comparison to the comics, a bit. Red Son Superman was not a clone, or a Black Kryptonite split-off of the normal Superman. It was an Elseworlds tale. So seeing what really becomes of this new Kara, and how it will effect the original version, is exciting. I would like them to make Kara reflect on the consequences of her (super impulsive) time travel. She saved 3 lives, but created another seemingly-evil Kryptonian in the process. And if this new Kara goes the evil route, and takes lives...I would like to see that weigh on Kara's conscience, as the consequences of Barry's meddling with time weighed on his. I highly doubt they'll go the Red Lantern route, because that would necessitate incorporating the Green Lantern mythos...which is just too much for this show. But having the new Kara be some sort of Red Son equivalent...maybe almost a homegrown Overgirl who's creation is directly our Kara's fault...that could make for some really interesting storytelling.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 4
- # 11
Breaking News: via David Harewood's instagramstory...
"I have not left Supergirl. I have simply left the DEO. I will still be in every single episode. But iin won't be in that black DEO gear anymore."
"I have not left Supergirl. I have simply left the DEO. I will still be in every single episode. But iin won't be in that black DEO gear anymore."
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 4
- # 12
During our super long hiatus, I had a time to think about how I would personally like the season to wrap. Those first 9 episodes were so dark, and whenever I'm writing, I like to use what they've done as a base, instead of going full-on fan-fiction. Then I like to see how much I was correct about.So, do you write Supergirl stories then?
I was nowhere near correct about this season...which, cool, i didn't predict it. But man, the back half of the season lost so much momentum and potential...The points and direction that you listed in this reflection are what frustrates me the most about the show. It really should be simple plot structure in writing. They put down a really good premise that had potential and as the season progressed, one would think that major events that occurred throughout the season would have referred back to that premise in order to reinforce what was introduced. That way, the viewer would naturally connect those events and would be emotionally invested so that when the climax of the season occurred, it left an impact. But, as you said, the big events like Kara's near death by Reign weren't connected. Through that event, we should have seen more introspective fall-out on Kara's part that was connected to the human/alien conflict. She should have realized that she could be hurt or killed - how would that experience affect her confidence? My wish is that they really sit down this summer and write out a solid structure for the season - with the ending in mind - and provide the pivotal elements within the episodes that reinforce their premise. All of the characters and all of the stories need to fit within that drawn out structure.
I think, truly, the biggest problem of the season is that they rushed some stories and elements they really should have taken their time on and fleshed out, and in their place stuffed in some really haphazard side plots or one-off episodes.
As for this "Red Son", or rather, "Red Daughter?" storyline. It won't be ripped straight from comics. They, by necessity, will have to create an original story, which is a good thing. It reduces comparison to the comics, a bit. Red Son Superman was not a clone, or a Black Kryptonite split-off of the normal Superman. It was an Elseworlds tale.I'm not familiar with "Elseworlds"? But, as long as its a story that is made for Supergirl and not just her riding on the established story's coat-tails, I am willing to keep an open mind.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 4
- # 13
With the discussion that Chris won't be returning anytime soon, been thinking.... Since he won't be with Mon-El, I'm assuming Winn will be returning with a different Legion member. I'm not as comic book literate as some of y'all on here. So... is there a Legionaire that's associated with either the Red Son or Red Lantern storyline...that would make sense to return with Winn Season 4 for a bit?
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 4
- # 14
This is not exactly comparing apples and apples, but I did spend a 40+ year career writing product instruction manuals and planning product introduction materials, so here's my perspective on some of the production issues. I tend to agree that paring down the cast will better focus the show, just by reducing the number of back-stories and secondary plot lines. But i also think the old adage that "there are too many cooks in the kitchen" applies. I know nothing about TV production, but in planning materials for a product intro one always creates a storyboard as step 1. I'm pretty sure they do that on Supergirl, for the entire season. As a second step, one assembles the team to work on the project. Each has their expertise, but it's very important that only one person is responsible for each piece. Otherwise you will get a piece that reads like it was written by a committee. As I see it, Supergirl has multiple writers, at least 3 editors (per Kevin Smith), and numerous directors. Each of these persons brings their individual opinions, style, emphasis, etc to the episode they are assigned. I think this structure may create lack of continuity. I don't mean to suggest that my work experience compares in scope with producing a TV show, but i do think there are some common factors, and if too many people are involved it can create a muddled message. Many times we have blamed the writers for a particular episode's faults, but it could just as easily be the director or editor who is responsible. So IMO reducing the numbers of some of these functions may help keep the season arc more on track. My 2 cents worth!
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 4
- # 15
I wonder if the two Kara's are actually the same but from a different timeline. One who went to space to save the world and turn back time (she's the one in Siberia and she's lost/confused) and one that came back and changed the outcome. I was a big fan of the series Continuum and Kiera (?) Cameron **********spoiler alert if you haven't watch the series ********** Alex (?) goes back in time (a few hours) and they are left with two Alex and two Kiera's. Both of them are the same existing in different timelines. I don't know if what I'm saying makes any sense, time travel is quite confusing! ? I'm not familiar with the Red Son story from Superman so, maybe my theory is not what they're going with in season 4.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 4
- # 16
Breaking News: via David Harewood's instagramstory...
"I have not left Supergirl. I have simply left the DEO. I will still be in every single episode. But iin won't be in that black DEO gear anymore."
Perhaps he will start a mission to help the poor of National City. And perhaps Coville -- "you mean you didn't notice that I was asleep in the back seat of your car" -- will find redemption by joining him.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 4
- # 17
Something you said, KaraD, reminded me of something that caught my attention while watching...
So, Kara slides on Mon-El's Legion ring, then goes back in time... Correct? Unlike what Superman did in the original movie--spinning the Earth backwards to roll back time--Kara went through a worm hole. So, wouldn't that mean Kara was replacing herself in Reign's grip. Right? So... check her finger. Shouldn't she still be wearing the Legion ring? And thus, Mon-El didn't have to give her one in the new timeline because she already should have one? But, she's not. And she doesn't. Soooo.... *thinking*...*turns the episode back on and goes back to the end to see if the Siberian Kara has the ring*.... Hold please... *enter elevator music here* ....Hmmm iiiiinteresting. Siberian Kara's left hand is covered. But, then again, the split doesn't happen till a few seconds later--after she stops Sam from restabbing Reign. So, my developing theory just fizzled. lol
So, Kara slides on Mon-El's Legion ring, then goes back in time... Correct? Unlike what Superman did in the original movie--spinning the Earth backwards to roll back time--Kara went through a worm hole. So, wouldn't that mean Kara was replacing herself in Reign's grip. Right? So... check her finger. Shouldn't she still be wearing the Legion ring? And thus, Mon-El didn't have to give her one in the new timeline because she already should have one? But, she's not. And she doesn't. Soooo.... *thinking*...*turns the episode back on and goes back to the end to see if the Siberian Kara has the ring*.... Hold please... *enter elevator music here* ....Hmmm iiiiinteresting. Siberian Kara's left hand is covered. But, then again, the split doesn't happen till a few seconds later--after she stops Sam from restabbing Reign. So, my developing theory just fizzled. lol
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 4
- # 18
As I see it, Supergirl has multiple writers, at least 3 editors (per Kevin Smith), and numerous directors. Each of these persons brings their individual opinions, style, emphasis, etc to the episode they are assigned. I think this structure may create lack of continuity. I don't mean to suggest that my work experience compares in scope with producing a TV show, but i do think there are some common factors, and if too many people are involved it can create a muddled message. Many times we have blamed the writers for a particular episode's faults, but it could just as easily be the director or editor who is responsible.This is a very good point, Superbill. I know I have a tendency to blame the writers, but you're correct that there are many others involved who control the final product. I agree, too, that perhaps not only is the cast too large to handle but, also perhaps there are too many cooks in the kitchen.
I was a big fan of the series Continuum and Kiera (?) Cameron **********spoiler alert if you haven't watch the series ********** Alex (?) goes back in time (a few hours) and they are left with two Alex and two Kiera's. Both of them are the same existing in different timelines.I just found that show a couple of months ago and binge watched it. It had some continuity flaws but, it was a good concept and I enjoyed it.
Are the two Kara's caused by her touching the rock and splitting her into two individuals or is it caused by her traveling back in time? I'm not positive which they are going with but, it would make sense that there would now be two Kara's caused by her traveling back in time. I've seen this happen not only in Continuum but, also in Agents of Shield. Kara left her timeline and went back, changing those events and finishing out that timeline. But, when she did that, there would have been two of her that existed at the same time, the one that came from the future and the one that was there currently. However, they didn't show that two existed in the fight against Reign so, my guess is that they're going to ignore that piece and go with the rock splitting her into two.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 4
- # 19
I see people are wondering if the time travel or the black kryptonite caused the split but i feel like it has to be the bk. Didn't Winn even say if Kara went through the disruption it would kill her? So I thought the original Supergirl died when she time traveled. I could be way off but i don't expect it to really even be mentioned next season. I think it was just used for Kara to realize the error of her ways and find herself again. I mean, she didn't even tell anyone she used the Legion ring, right? I don't think so since Mon-El called her victory "flawless". I guess he doesn't know he died for a few minutes lol.
Also, when Supergirl touched the black kryptonite we saw the black smoke come off the rock. Then we see the same black smoke in Siberia right before we see duplicate Kara.
I have to say, I am so excited for next season. I can't wait to see what happens with the two Kara's. I've definitely had some issues with the show these past 2 seasons but I willing to forgive it all if season 4 is going to be as good as they are setting it up to be. The focus back on Supergirl? Alex running the DEO and more Danvers sisters? Plus Brainy! There is a lot to look forward to.
Oh and from the original post, I would LOVE if the somehow included a red lantern SG! It's been one of my wishes for the show to do since the beginning.
BTW, I've been reading the site for a long time but this is my first time commenting so hello everyone
Also, when Supergirl touched the black kryptonite we saw the black smoke come off the rock. Then we see the same black smoke in Siberia right before we see duplicate Kara.
I have to say, I am so excited for next season. I can't wait to see what happens with the two Kara's. I've definitely had some issues with the show these past 2 seasons but I willing to forgive it all if season 4 is going to be as good as they are setting it up to be. The focus back on Supergirl? Alex running the DEO and more Danvers sisters? Plus Brainy! There is a lot to look forward to.
Oh and from the original post, I would LOVE if the somehow included a red lantern SG! It's been one of my wishes for the show to do since the beginning.
BTW, I've been reading the site for a long time but this is my first time commenting so hello everyone
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 4
- # 20
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