1. VeeJer
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. Tuesday, 12 September 2017
Please someone help me figure this out. This has been bugging me since the start of season 2.

I know timeline continuity has been a little sketchy over the two season but it has mostly been by a few years (Kara has been on earth for 13 ish years, J'onn has been Hank for around 15, Jeremiah gone a decade, etc) but I just cannot wrap my head around this one and I am hoping there is something I am just missing.

How the heck did Mon-El's pod land when it did? If Daxam was destroyed by Krypton's blast and Mon-El left during the destruction (as we saw during both flash backs) he would have arrived a bit after Kal (assuming it took a little time for the blast waves to get from Krypton to Daxam) or around when Kara did (if he somehow got stuck in the Phantom Zone as well and got pulled out like Ft Rozz did).

Since Kara was in the PZ for 24 ish years and has been on earth for around 13 ish then Mon El should have gotten to Earth around 37 ish years ago (with Kal) or 13 ish years ago (with Kara).

He came in a Kryptonian pod like both Kal and Kara did so we can assume the propulsion was similar.

I know there could be something else that they just did not say (although if there is non obvious excuse I would have thought someone in Universe would have commented on at when they thought he was Kryptonian).

Did I miss it? Was it even brought up? Heck - is there a comics reason (I believe in the comics the Mon-El character arrived when Clark was all grown up - why was he late)?

I can overlook a whole bunch of the timeline continuity stuff but I just need something here.

Any help appreciated.
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
From season 2, episode 1:

Winn: So, my handy translator just finished decrypting the pod’s data log. Now, it seems sleeping beauty on his journey from Krypton passed through something called the Segara Beyal.

Supergirl: The Well of Stars. My father took me there once. Time doesn’t pass there. So, that’s why he’s still so young.

Winn: Oh, hey, speaking of age, I’ve been meaning to ask. Superman, you’re 12 years older than Kara, right? Cause you do not look it.

Superman: Kryptonians age at a much slower rate here on Earth.

Winn: You look fantastic.

The timeline discrepancy that bugs me is having Cat Grant and Clark Kent working together at the Daily Planet, even if only for a short time. If they had stuck to the timeline established in season 1, Clark would have been in his early teens (presumably still living on the farm in Smallville) when Cat left the Planet to start CatCo.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
They still need to sort out there timeline issues. There is no possible way Kara was on Earth 13 years, yet Jeremiah disappeared 15 years ago, because Jeremiah was present when Kara came to live with the Danvers'.

It seriously bugs the crap out of me. One episode they are like "It's my 13th Earth Birthday", then just a couple episodes later, Jeremiah's been missing for 15 years.

And J'onn should have been masquerading as Hank roughly the same amount of time that Jeremiah's been gone, because he took on the identity of Hank shortly after.

There is no excuse for those items other than sloppy writing.

But yes, they state in one of the first 2 episodes of the season that Mon-El's pod got stuck in the Well of Stars, where time does not pass.

seriously just had this discussion on twitter though it was pertaining to her age which we concluded was 27 to 28 at this point.

The pilot was filmed in the early spring of 2015 which was 2 and half years ago. Jeremiah was rescued from Cadmus in the spring of 2017, so 14 years or so. I could totally see someone casually rounding 14 years off to 15 years.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 2
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
They still need to sort out there timeline issues. There is no possible way Kara was on Earth 13 years, yet Jeremiah disappeared 15 years ago, because Jeremiah was present when Kara came to live with the Danvers'.

It seriously bugs the crap out of me. One episode they are like "It's my 13th Earth Birthday", then just a couple episodes later, Jeremiah's been missing for 15 years.

And J'onn should have been masquerading as Hank roughly the same amount of time that Jeremiah's been gone, because he took on the identity of Hank shortly after.

There is no excuse for those items other than sloppy writing.

But yes, they state in one of the first 2 episodes of the season that Mon-El's pod got stuck in the Well of Stars, where time does not pass.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 3
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
They said he got stuck somewhere called the Well of Stars where time doesn't pass.

They siad that in an episode? I totally missed it. Thanks - it was bugging me soooo bad.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 4
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
They said he got stuck somewhere called the Well of Stars where time doesn't pass.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 5
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