Please tell me Supergirltv staff that these rumors that David, Chris and Jeremy are leaving SG is untrue

This would put an end to the show if this happened it would test all male viewers watching the show.
I agree with Kelly. This show could lose ALL of it's supporting cast. James, Alex, Winn, J'onn, Mon-el, Lena. I would still watch it for Kara/Supergirl. She's the character I care about.
Hmm. If people do leave it does affect the show quite a bit. One cannot just say we’re here for Kara alone.
Seeing some disturbing rumors that the whole male cast except Mehcad is gonna leave the show. Cryptic tweets and Instagram posts by David shooting his last days
Please tell me Supergirltv staff that these rumors that David, Chris and Jeremy are leaving SG is untrue?
This would put an end to the show if this happened it would test all male viewers watching the show.
For the record we'll get more information at network upfront in less than two weeks when the show description with all the regular characters is released.
I wonder if The CW will actually have any information during their upfront presentation on May 17. There will still be 5 episodes left of Season 3 at that point so I would rather they didn't give any details on Season 4 (such as who is or isn't going to be on the show). Avoid spoilers at all costs please CW.
Agreed, Kiwi. I don't wanna know anything till after the last episode airs. I suspect, they'll be rather cryptic on what's going to occur next season, and maybe share more info later--certainly more at Comic Con.
For the record we'll get more information at network upfront in less than two weeks when the show description with all the regular characters is released.
I wonder if The CW will actually have any information during their upfront presentation on May 17. There will still be 5 episodes left of Season 3 at that point so I would rather they didn't give any details on Season 4 (such as who is or isn't going to be on the show). Avoid spoilers at all costs please CW.
Speaking as a male viewer, if the rumors are true, I will continue watching still.
Melissa Benoist is still Supergirl, as far as I'm concerned that is all that needs to stay solid.
Thanks. But the leaked spoilers are not true rightplease reread what I wrote. I don’t know, but saying the sky is falling based on what I said is exactly what I suggested we not do. At this point I simply don’t know and the show isn’t going to say officially for now. There is no way to know for sure either way.![]()
Ok, so since we've been getting a lot of outside views lately where folks are quoting the site, I want to be clear in my statements here, both to you guys as members of the site and for anyone else that will use this as FACT.
I'll start by saying, I don't know. I don't know what casting changes are going to happen or not happen. Right now, the show isn't saying anything on official channels and if they do, we'll likely hear from the bigger outlets first (entertainment weekly, tvline). Now that the show is wrapping up season 3, (as of today I believe), most of the cast changes should likely be decided if there are any. But again, I don't know what they are.
Here's what I do know and please take this to heart. When casting changes, exits happen, it isn't the end of the world. It also isn't personal or vindictive. These actors are all incredibly talented and their talents may take them other places. They also have families that are all over the world and being away from them can be difficult. The writers, who also change from time to time, aren't writing people out for vindictive purposes or to punish fans (even writing that sounds ludicrous). As I have said time and time again, Supergirl is a business and the business of Supergirl changes which can force creative changes to reflect what is happening in the business.
Even if someone does leave, it doesn't mean its permanent or forever. Look at Arrow for example, Roy is back as a season regular next year. Constantine has joined the Legends for next season! If the actors take a season off or take on a reduced roll it dosn't preclude the ability to come back later on.
Now, here's what you should NOT do. Do not start tweeting at the writers, actors, the show, or pick a fight online with other factions blah blah blah. When/if these turnovers happen its in the course of business. When/if the show is ever in danger of cancellation, that is when we will sound the alarm bells and lead the campaign of writing letters and or social media campaigns.
Before anyone goes into my words here trying to cypher any hidden meanings, let me reiterate again, I don't know. I really don't know if there will be turn overs. Lets remember we are all fans of Supergirl the show and the character. As long as we have her, (and in my opinion Alex) we have a show.