1. Admin
  2. Sherlock Holmes The Voice Notable Answerer
  3. Supergirl Season 2
  4. Tuesday, 21 February 2017
Good evening everyone. Let me start this post off by saying I am not equipped to handle this topic correctly or justly. I am going to tread as softly as I can and I would also like to note that any name-calling, anti-LGBT language or offense to the mandatory rules required to use this forum will be met with swift and appropriate consequences.

So with that said, I have noticed a growing divide in the Supergirl fandom this season and I need help understanding it. While this site and its users have kept things predominately fair and respectful, many other social media platforms seem to be pitting fans against each other for liking different aspects of the show.

Before I name sides and begin to try and find a reason behind the animosity lets name some of the changes that have happened between season 1 and season 2 first.

  • The Show has gained some characters and lost some characters.
  • The Show is on a new network.
  • The Show's survival isn't uncertain.
  • has grown to reach a larger audience.
  • Our social media presence has tripped since season one.

I want to illustrate these changes first because my perception of this fandom divide may have always been there and due to the above mentioned circumstances, I am just now becoming aware of it. But if these reasons are not the cause to my illumination then I am concerned.

Season 1 is different from season 2 for many reasons and that is just the nature of broadcast television. However, fans (and let me be clear I am not calling anyone out on this site) were more supportive. It felt like we were all an audience of a show that brought us together and we all shared a love for a growing hero's story. Despite plot-lines, rough early writing and power fluctuations, we all were able to comment on parts of the show we didn't like while still stating our love for the show.

Where has that gone?

In Season 2, the show has decided to cover more topics in a superheroes life some of which are more progressive leaning. A show with purpose and the platform to conquer tough issues while still maintaining its entertaining nature seems like a good thing, yet I feel we as fans are more divided than ever.

Put simply, if you like Maggie Sawyer and Alex Danver's relationship, why don't you like Mon-El? If you're a Lena supporter, why do you hate Guardian's screen-time? Why can't an episode be good if it doesn't have Cat Grant in it? Obviously these are all just examples of the absolutist feelings we are seeing out there. There are many other examples that don't need to be shared to illustrate my point.

Somewhere along the line sides were drawn and a solid fan-base became split. This is where things get very tricky for me. It's the reason I say I am not equipped to handle this topic and where I will choose to ask to be educated rather than seek a solution.

Appropriate and positive representation of the LGBT community on television has been lacking for many many years. There are legitimate concerns with how LGBT community members are portrayed in the media from stereotyping, senseless deaths, and even screen-time. Obviously the Maggie and Alex story-line falls into this category of LGBT representation in the media which is why begin to ask for clarity.

When did there become an attitude of absolution? Many of the comments I see on social media are of the nature that say "my view is right, yours is wrong and no one supports you because what I want is what everyone wants". In season 1 it felt like we were all able to say, "I didn't care for aspect X but I still enjoy the show and can afford that others may enjoy aspect X knowing that it still didn't resonate with me."

There are concerns here, however, for equality. Is a positive LGBT relationship being given appropriate screen-time to maintain its positive message? That is not for me to decide but can be a valuable reason to be concerned over screen-time. It however, shouldn't mean that other story-lines in the show shouldn't be told.

Perhaps I am letting social media get the better of me. Because of our site's growth, I am seeing exponentially more messages than I used to. Maybe this divide isn't really there and I am just succumbing to internet trolls. Trolls don't need to back up their absolutist declarations, they just submit them like breathing.

All in all, I just don't understand the new feelings of this fandom taking sides. The show has problems without a doubt, but it isn't bad enough that we need to take sides. Perhaps there are too many story-lines going on this season or too many new characters or even a lack of focus on an overarching season goal. But in the end can't we do like Kara did in Myriad and be stronger together?

I am not sure what its going to take to heal this fandom, or if it even needs to be healed or united but based solely on my perception, we were a united group of fans last season and it pains me to see this growing divide this year.

To clarify my point, I am in no way saying that I am disappointed in any of our very valued users here as you all have made this site's community a bright and caring group of people. I am reflecting more on what happens outside our proverbial site walls.

Do you have any ideas what can be done? ... El May Arah
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Please don't conveniently confuse those who are critical of writing choices on the show with those who spend their time attacking celebrities (for a variety of reasons apparently) on social media.

If you are speaking in reference to my post, it actually had nothing to do with the complaint of screen time itself, that was simply what I was responding to with my reply tweet to was their reaction, and reaction of others that I was referring to. If people don't like Mon-El and don't like the ST being given to them, that is their opinion, but I think that I and others should be able to give our opinion as well, or simply make a comment as I did should be able to be given without a comment back that in some cases are very rude, very crude, and very unacceptable in a normal conversation between two people. ANY thing that I have spoken of in this thread is the reactionary replies on Twitter that I am seeing from "groups" of people, not because of their opinion, but their reaction to people who do not share their opinion. That's all. :)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 2
  3. # 1
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Please don't conveniently confuse those who are critical of writing choices on the show with those who spend their time attacking celebrities (for a variety of reasons apparently) on social media.

Hi, Lindy. Please explain further so we can fully understand your concerns.

I don't think the admin and many of us in this thread are concerned with people being critical of writing choices. I believe what the concern is, we've seen a huge spike in fandoms venomously attacking others who disagree with them, fandoms venomously making fun of other fans not in their "group," as well as us seeing a huge spike in tweets and comments throughout social media that are just plain coarse and vulgar. And thus, we've been seeing a major split widening in the Supergirl fanbase, which has been disheartening to witness, especially since the Supergirl fanbase use to be very inclusive, welcoming, and "one team" oriented.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 2
  3. # 2
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Please don't conveniently confuse those who are critical of writing choices on the show with those who spend their time attacking celebrities (for a variety of reasons apparently) on social media.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 2
  3. # 3
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Just to give an example of a little of what is happening. There was a poster that was railing about the screen time of Mon-El on Monday night. I posted in a tweet that I was enjoying both couples and that I looked at Kara and Mo-Nel's relationship as fireworks and Alex and Maggie's relationship as a warm fire. Meaning, I loved both of the relationships just in different ways. Well, the making fun of tweets started as in her first "would someone please translate this for me, blah, blah, blah." so as with the others I simply muted her. I would love to have conversations with everyone about the show, but you can't right now. :(
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 2
  3. # 4
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Undo Admin stated:

"Maybe we should show her this thread. Its been thoughtful, respectful, and hopefully healing in some way. I think the vast majority of community here are very respectful and kind. Good fans and good thoughts shared. Ultimately if we can all agree to be fans that live by the motto I shared, I think we will all be able to enjoy the show!"


Sure, why not? As Patrick Stewart as Captain Picard often said on ST TNG: "Make it so." ;)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 2
  3. # 5
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seems chyler is speaking up to fans as well here are a couple tweets from her

tweet 1

tweet 2

basically with in 24 hours of each other. I'd say she is a little low key disappointed

Maybe we should show her this thread. Its been thoughtful, respectful, and hopefully healing in some way. I think the vast majority of community here are very respectful and kind. Good fans and good thoughts shared. Ultimately if we can all agree to be fans that live by the motto I shared, I think we will all be able to enjoy the show!

Possible new site motto (I'm still thinking about it): "Continue to love the parts of the show you love, love them passionately and get lost in the majesty of it all. But know that what makes this show great for some isn't true for all. Be kind, be thoughtful and allow all to enjoy every aspect not by tearing down what you don't like, but by raising up the parts you do."
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 2
  3. # 6
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
seems chyler is speaking up to fans as well here are a couple tweets from her

tweet 1

tweet 2

basically with in 24 hours of each other. I'd say she is a little low key disappointed
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 2
  3. # 7
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Here's my take:

Supergirl/Kara hasn't changed, really. As Kara, she's more assertive in her job and more outgoing with strangers. She's growing and maturing. She is the core of the show. Supergirl's kindness, strength, generosity, and unselfish heroism are what make the show a success.

I like Mon-El. He's also changing as a person, but due to Kara's influence. On some level which he is probably unaware, he wants to be a better person, one who is worthy of Kara. I find that wonderful in a man. Needless to say, I approve of Kara and Mon-El and want to see their relationship progress.

I like Alex and Maggie. Actually, I would like to see more of their relationship without the drama. Poor Alex deserves to be happy. The notion of a same-sex relationship in an action/adventure superhero show is very daring and the writers are doing it right. It was nice to read the article on how that storyline is changing lives for the better.

I wish that M'Gann hadn't left. J'onn deserves some happiness too. But without M'Gann, I worry that he will be sidelined as a character.

I don't mind Guardian, but I don't see the character evolving. It's nice to see Winn out in the field being the man in the van. And speaking of...

I like Winn's girlfriend Lyra. I think it's so cool that he's okay with her being physically stronger and the more assertive one. Not every man can be Dwayne the Rock Johnson.

To sum up: I'm fine with where the writers are taking us. If we just got a retread of season 1, the show would die. But people will disagree with the new characters and new plotlines. Social media have a tendency to bring out people's bad sides, which is the opposite of what Supergirl is about. I don't want Supergirl to be a Fort Rozz escapee of the week which Supergirl defeats in 42 minutes, flies home, and watches TV while eating pizza and potstickers.

I trust the writers to do good by our hero. I'm along for the ride, all the way. I DVR each episode, then I went on iTunes and bought a season pass for all the episodes and watch every one a third time on the CW app. Apparently the powers that be pay attention to statistics like that. I want Supergirl to thrive and do well. Sure I've nitpicked details like the over the knee flaps on her boots, but overall, I'm very happy with the show. I love Melissa and Chyler as actresses. Whoever cast them deserves a raise!

I miss Cat, because she was such a good strong character and Calista did such great work as the character. But maybe it's okay for Kara not to have a safety net to fall back on, that she has to deal with the nasty, uncouth, and negative Snapper on her own. It would be nice to see some of Kara's positivity rub off on him!

Finally, about Lena. I like that character as well. I'm glad that Kara has a female friend. Aside from Alex, all her friends are men. So kudos to somebody for realizing that detail.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 2
  3. # 8
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Well, it looks like some have figured out their own solution to this and it is #RESPECT SUPERGIRL CAST which I believe was trending last night. So pretty much stop with the name calling, fighting, etc, respect the cast and the hard work they are doing for our enjoyment.

Some still are miffed here and there, but it seems a fairly large group are wanting to move on from all of this.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 2
  3. # 9
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So is there a solution to this?. It seems most of the arguments/wars are over relationships, could they write an entire season (Season 3) without any relationships and focus on work/family and friends or are relationships such an essential part of filling out the time of an episode?.

I know it was a different time but if I think back to 70/80's Superhero shows like Wonder Woman, The Bionic Woman, The Six Million Dollar Man and The Incredible Hulk, they ran for multiple seasons without too much romance/relationships and were pretty much focused on their titular heroes all the time without the need for a big team behind them and additional heroes. Maybe Supergirl in Season 3 can get back to the Main 5 of Supergirl, Alex,MM, Winn and James.

Just a few ideas to throw out there anyway and discuss.

Well, i don't quite agree with you. I remember Wonder Woman having a "thing" with Steve Trevor ... both of them :o.
Jaime Sommers it was the long love story with Steve Austin and Chris Williams (season 3). Steve Austin with almost every woman that came in.
Hulk ok, it's like a real connection with all his pants that poor guy !

But i don't mind about the relationships, it's what people are doing with it the problem. The new characters are great, even if some aspect of the show has evolve without all the great things that made season 1, i'm curious to watch every week episode because the changes are cool for most of them.

One thing i've learn with the show runners, is that they always have plans (good ones) :)
I would spend all of my days on set watching the show being made
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 2
  3. # 10
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
As an additional practical issue, last season it would have been far more difficult to have divisive subfandoms, because the number of characters who were prominent was less. In the pilot, other than Kara you might have had Miss Grant fandom (continuing character) or Vartox fandom (self-liquidating). The authors are moving toward a show with interwoven threads as opposed to Supergirl finds target. Supergirl smites target, so now there can be gentle readers who want one thread or another to get more air time and interviews.

Readers who were around in Fall 2015 will nonetheless remember that we had some really vigorous disputes on these pages.
I was here, and it was nothing like what we are seeing today, last season it was mostly the "sky is falling" group hovering over the ratings, and those that just wanted to enjoy the show. Or, those that were unhappy with some of the writing, other than that...there just wasn't much in the way of divisiveness. On twitter, it was fantastic, the fans on twitter save a few, again, "the sky is falling" people it was a great time to be had by all.

One thing I've noticed....and it just now hit me, there are a few from the "sky is falling" over the ratings that NOW that we already know there is a 3rd season, they are no where to be seen. Ehhhh.... *sighs*
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 2
  3. # 11
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As an additional practical issue, last season it would have been far more difficult to have divisive subfandoms, because the number of characters who were prominent was less. In the pilot, other than Kara you might have had Miss Grant fandom (continuing character) or Vartox fandom (self-liquidating). The authors are moving toward a show with interwoven threads as opposed to Supergirl finds target. Supergirl smites target, so now there can be gentle readers who want one thread or another to get more air time and interviews.

Readers who were around in Fall 2015 will nonetheless remember that we had some really vigorous disputes on these pages.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 2
  3. # 12
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Yyeeaahhh... Once I got called "f'ing 'c' word" several times by a certain "crew" for simply sayin to the writers, "Alex and Winn were hilarious tonight," I learned REAL quick to not participate.

Being in Mountain Standard time, I use to watch an hour after eastern/central time, then REwatch on DVR while it was being played on West coast just to be able to follow with the west coast tweets. Buuuutttt... I stopped this season since these new fandoms arose.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 2
  3. # 13
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Mon El is going to tear the fandom apart. It's only going to get worse as the season continues.

The myopic focus on this character and his relationship with Supergirl has altered the basic dynamic of the show.

I totally disagree, fans of only certain aspects of the show, certain story lines are what I see on social media as the biggest problem. Monday nights last year, I use to go on Twitter in between the East coast and West coast showings type in #Supergirl and have a BLAST....

I do that now, and all it is is "shipping" wars and people upset that their ship is not getting screen time, and absolutely typing tweets that are "rude, crude and socially unacceptable". I see the word "HATE" so often it is ridiculous, I see tweets from certain shippers that actually HATE the fandom that loves the show and tweets about every relationship, every story that is a bad thing.

The fandom of Supergirl that was there last season, and is still here this season will be fine if they base their enjoyment on the series as a whole. If they get caught up in this shipping stuff, in this screen time stuff....then yeah they will not enjoy it and possibly fall away. But that isn't the shows fault, that is their own fault.

The only negative I see, is that I can no longer go on Twitter in between the east and west coast showings and have fun with the writers any more because of the absolutely hateful things that people are posting to them, and it is coming in a GRAND MAJORITY from ONE GROUP, with another in close 2nd. But I will leave it at that....and within the next few episodes I will have those 2 groups on mute as a whole, and go back to enjoying the show for what it is, a Superhero comic book action series about a young woman and the life she lives and the stories that go with that...
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 2
  3. # 14
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As Melissa has said in several interviews....

Kara's optimism, hope, desire to do good, and love for family and friends is at the very core of her being....and no matter what happens, she will always go back to that. It is so strong that Melissa has said that when she's not sure of where to go with Kara, she simply goes back to's that simple.

When I watch the dark hard scenes, it just makes the light, fun, optimistic, hopeful Kara look that much brighter.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 2
  3. # 15
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I'm definitely following your argument here, Lindy. I have to wonder...we the audience already know something isn't "right" with Mon-el...he's been lying. So perhaps a lot of focus is being given to Mon-El because his backstory/lie is about to alter Kara in a big way...i.e...she FINALLY lets herself feel and believe that she can let her guard down, let someone in, and "have everything." Then...BAM! The truth comes out. So...I'm right there with you on wishing all these side characters weren't pulling screen time away from the OG crew. But, I see where the writers MIGHT be headed...and thus I can see why perhaps SO much time is being given to Mon-El.

I just wish all breaking off "fandoms" could remember the BIG picture. We shall see.

Does it make sense to say--after all this talk of anti-Mon El from me--that I hate the thought of Kara getting hurt? So, I'd prefer it working out, but then getting a more integrated group storyline with romance in the periphery?

I don't mind Kara having more character growth, but I don't want her to lose her faith or her optimisim or idealism. I don't want her to grow cynical. It'd be painful.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 2
  3. # 16
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Stop thinking in terms of who ships who. It's all about the screen time. He's rapidly becoming the second lead. I don't want to see more Alex and Maggie, I want to understand why Mon El has become so vital to this series.

I'm definitely following your argument here, Lindy. I have to wonder...we the audience already know something isn't "right" with Mon-el...he's been lying. So perhaps a lot of focus is being given to Mon-El because his backstory/lie is about to alter Kara in a big way...i.e...she FINALLY lets herself feel and believe that she can let her guard down, let someone in, and "have everything." Then...BAM! The truth comes out. So...I'm right there with you on wishing all these side characters weren't pulling screen time away from the OG crew. But, I see where the writers MIGHT be headed...and thus I can see why perhaps SO much time is being given to Mon-El.

I just wish all breaking off "fandoms" could remember the BIG picture. We shall see.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 2
  3. # 17
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Yeah besides Guardian I'm pretty much either positive or neutral about all aspects of the show.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 2
  3. # 18
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Note: I have not looked at the responses to my comments yesterday (well, yesterday for me).

However, I'd like to add a point and a suggestion. To a lot of the Kara-Mon El shippers and us who feel nostalgic for the good old season 1, the issue has been how peripheral Kara has been to other storylines going on in the season. At least, the past couple of episodes have been Kara-centred and that is one good thing that I found about it.

If the writers had worked to make an integrated storyline keeping Kara at the centre of it all, and taking some time to do it instead of wanting everything yesterday, then I think the show would have been well-served. This could also improve the Mon El storyline.

Note: I am not changing the premise of the story and instead working with the premise we have in Season 2. (Of Aliens having been on Earth for a long time, local cops knowing about it and so on).

Make, new characters like Maggie and M'gann's first point of entry into the group be Kara. Easy enough considering Kara wants to be a reporter. Cop and bar tenders--excellent sources and points of contention if you ask me. The fightclub just adds to it if the storyline was changed to dilute J'onn's and Alex's direct involvement there.

Let J'onn and Alex be peripheral to these stories. and make the interactions there come slowly. So, basically, have Kara invested in these characters based on her own direct interactions, rather than as Alex's love interest or J'onn's blast from the past.

With Mon-El, let Alex and J'onn, with Winn helping, work on dealing with him and his training. Yes, I know, when we have superpowered Alien who can identify with him at hand (and share a star with him at hand), why go for Alex and J'onn and Winn. Well, Alex is a geneticist. It makes it natural for her to do tests on him. Besides she trained Kara. Even without the Kryptonite training room, I am pretty sure the science experts at DC could have found a way for her to do the same with Mon El. And Kara remaining away could be reasoned by both her prejudices due to her childhood, her pain about her own loss which Mon El remains a stark reminder of (all of which was solved in 1 episode), and of course her new reporter duties.

Let Mon El remain the palace guard instead of the Prince or anyone powerful. However, show him struggling with Earth stuff, especially owing to his conservative background (other than his flings, we saw this only the last episode) but also because his whole world was taken away from him. But, show him actually getting impacted and struggling; and improving; but also show that Kara's prejudices have been unjust from Kara's point of view. He could have his funny moments even in this case.

This should be peripheral by the way and not take up the entire time.

I'd leave most of Kara-Lena as is, but would like it if Lena had more interactions with Alex thanks to Cadmus.

In James' case, I'd prefer if he managed change from his position as Cat Co head. But, if the powers that be think that that makes him far removed from the young crowd (I don't agree, but be that as it may), then arrange a situation where he feels really powerless and it makes sense for him to take up arms. Not Kara getting injured or being in a battle because when you consider the power differential that doesn't make sense. But, someone like Eve or a lay person on the street getting hurt, James couldn't do anything, and Supergirl couldn't help because she was busy elsewhere.

And... don't let him blackmail Winn in helping him; or expect that he would get Kara's agreement right away and feel betrayed and injured when she doesn't give him that. And let him not bring up news pieces on himself and his heroism to Snapper.

Let Kara report on these things; on Guardian, on the changes in Alien society owing to both the Alien Amnesty Act and Cadmus (Maggie could work with her here); and of course the big bad of the episode.

And finally, let all of these struggles emerge in parallel with the big bad of the season. Cadmus.

Let that be the thread that ties everything together. So, even James' struggles would be happening in tandem with this.

And with all this going on--let us have (and this is a personal thing, I'd like it)--sister nights or touchbases continue. See Season 1. It's not just the movie nights; it is also walking to Noonan with Kara; having breakfast there with Kara; supporting Kara with every fight; talking to Kara about Cat Grant's article. This season, when have we seen Alex discuss anything but either of their love life with Kara. How about Kara's first article in print? Alex could have teased Kara about it. Shown pride. Told her to go to bars--in fact, that could have been their first meeting with M'gann with Kara taking it forward and Alex supporting.

OH! And let the game nights continue too; not every episode but at least once in the first half hey? Let Alex, James and Winn interact (one of my best additions this season has been Alex-Winn interactions). As in, when James decides to do his thing, he could come to Alex for help. It could be shown instead of just that single moment or two used for comic effect during Thanks Giving and all that.

It would have taken a couple of seasons or more to do it slowly and with the justice it deserves. But, the show wouldn't have divided it fandom into gay people and people who support POC and women and all that.

Right now, M'gann is not there, but when she was there, she was most important to J'onn with her rarely if ever interacting with Kara or Alex. With Maggie, everyone takes her as the gay sister's lover. Which makes most people but the LGBT and the folks who like romance disinterested in that storyline. She should have been Kara's cop friend and the one Alex gets into an argument (may be owing to her protectiveness regarding Kara) first before becoming Alex's girlfriend. And with Mon El, Probably, the showrunners and people who like him see him as Darcy (Pride & Prejudice), but to others, he seems to be a polished Reggie (Archies). With James, to his supporters, he is a hero, but to his detractors, he seems too much like one who likes spotlight a lot rather than one who is genuinely concerned about the state of the world. Lena interacts only with Kara and it says something for both the actors that almost the entire audience is invested in her story (if not the shipping) despite some lacks.

Okay... I am done! If you read so much from me; thank you. :)

If I have offended/hurt anybody, let me know, and I will keep that in mind in future; and try to do better.

Oh... and keep romance far away--making what Kara said to James actually true--at least for a time. And honestly, I'd prefer they go back to Kara/James provided James remains a relatable character. And even then, let all romances remain periphery with Alex-Kara, Alex-Kara-J’onn and the Kara-Winn-James friendships of season 1 remaining the core of the show. It can expand, but let friendships remain the core.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 2
  3. # 19
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First off I’d like to start by thanking the admins of this site. Next I would like to thank my fellow contributors for keeping it the most respectful fan site I have belonged to in a long time. People have disagreed with me but never once have I felt it was personal nor has anyone taken it personally when I disagree with them. I’m not on twitter but have recently quit the FB pages of every other Supergirl site but this one and the official site from CW, and I am seriously considering ditching that one.

Cat said it last season “A woman has to work twice as hard to be thought of as half as good”. The fact that we are getting a third season is a testament to the cast, crew, and as much as we love to hate them the writers. I read somewhere that the show almost didn’t happen because some people in a focus group saw the pilot and were “uncomfortable” with Supergirl being punched by a man. I believe it’s unprecedented for a show with ratings as high to change networks, so that’s yet another challenge.

I do think some of the fandom division mirrors the current deeply divided social/political climate in the United States. Arrow is too dark for me but I do watch Flash and occasionally Legends but it seems that of all the shows in the Berlantiverse Supergirl is the one chosen to be more than just entertainment, they want it to mean something. It’s the only one that really tackles hot button issues. Example, it would be pure denial to think having Mxy call Supergirl a Nasty Woman wouldn’t be seen as a political statement. Side note Melissa probably enjoyed that as well as being able to say “you want to see nuts, let’s go nuts”. I know that type of thing’s not on Flash. Bottom line addressing or even mentioning hot button social issues is going to attract irrational haters and season two has stepped that up.

The most hate seems to be reserved for James and Mon-El and I think there’s a connection. First there were haters who didn’t like Mehcad being cast in the first place. The fact that James wasn’t written well compared to the other characters in season one and I think it’s safe to say hasn’t been written better in season two only fuels the James haters. Mon-El on the other hand is well written, you don’t have to like a character to think they are well written. I think the show did a disservice to both characters by the abrupt end to James/Kara. I get how it looks bad to have Kara break up with the human guy representing a minority group because she wants to concentrate on her career only to hook up with the an alien guy who’s racially speaking the closest to her in the universe. This caused some of the Mon-El hate right out of the gate. I wouldn’t have liked this either if I thought the producers were racially motivated but I just don’t see that given their track record. It would have been better if the writers had had Kara and James go on a couple of awkward dates then mutually decide to go back to being good friends thus avoiding the James verses Mon-El thing.

I’ll admit last summer when the EPs said a character on the CW DC shows would explore their sexuality I had no doubt it would be Alex. My first reaction was please don’t, because I thought of all the ways it would bring hate upon the show. I imagined the writers botching it and the LGBTQ community rightfully being disappointed. Thanks be to Rao that didn’t happen as most agree the story line was well written and superbly acted. Unfortunately the other expected hate is still happening.

In final summery love this site and let’s continue the constructive discussions.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 2
  3. # 20
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