1. Triggy
  2. Sherlock Holmes
  3. Supergirl General Discussion
  4. Tuesday, 11 December 2018
Crisis on Infinite Earths

Elseworlds part 3 has not aired at my timezone just yet, but CW Crisis on Infinite Earths is reportedly confirmed (I have yet to see that).

The good news is that this means Supergirl will very likely have a Season 5.

However I hope they don't kill her off just like in the comics. The crossover will likely fall on the 96th or 97th Season 5 episode of Supergirl. If they're trying to set a 100th episode milestone for Supergirl, then she can't be killed off (I think).


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Are the EPs on Flash spending too much time writing a check that everyone knows won't be cashed.

This sums it up for me. It isn't that it's poorly written material. I imagine that for younger viewers, kids and early teens who haven't seen this type of thing done, it can be quite effective. But I can't feel the level of threat that they seem to want me to feel.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 1
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Over on Flash they seem to be setting up a scenario where at the end of the third installment the other characters will think Barry's dead. This article from CinimaBlend argues that Flash is focusing too much in CoIE at the expense of the villain Bloodwork. For me it's kinda pointless because we as an audience know Barry Allen as played by Grant isn't going to die because the show will be continuing with him as the lead. If Barry "dies" at the end of the third installment of CoIE realistically how long can he stay that way, most of the fourth installment somewhere into the fifth installment. What does having Barry "die" for a short time really accomplish other than taking Grant out of the picture for an episode or more. Are the EPs on Flash spending too much time writing a check that everyone knows won't be cashed.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 2
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Got another BTS picture for you. This time it's from the Instagram of Arrow's Rick Gonzalez. And look at who he's chilling with?

As for the woman doing the photobombing..maybe one of Rick's fellow Arrow castmates?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 3
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Okay, guys. I'm posting here because we don't have sites for Flash or Arrow. But BOTH strongly lead into Crisis, tonight.

If you are a follower of the other Arrowverse shows, Flash and Arrow, specifically...tonight's Arrow premiere was insane.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 4
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Awesome pics! Kinda awkward, considering Wolfman "killed" both of them. :D
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 5
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From the people at Hollywood North comes these pictures of Melissa and Grant meeting with a comic book legend...namely Marv Wolfman.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 6
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To sort of balance my picture yesterday out is one from the women's side of the aisle. And it yet shows once again how Melissa Benoist is the queen of junk food. It could also be a somewhat subtle reminder that Halloween is about three weeks away. This picture was taken from an Instagram story of Elisabeth Tolloch, who plays Lois Lane to Tyler's Clark Kent/Superman. Look at how Mel is just eyeing that plateful of sweets.

Melissa Marie Benoist...what on Earth makes you look as cute as a puppy??
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 7
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Not sure if this would fit here, but I thought I'd try. Not sure if anyone has seen this photo. I saw it on Superman Homepage, but am unsure as to the original source.

It's a picture of two Supermen and a certain Scarlet Speedster. Of course one of the Supermen is Tyler Hoechlin.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 8
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Figured I'd bump this thread since production has started.

If I were to venture an educated guess, based on the scale and number of shows and actors involved, filming of this particular crossover may go until the end of October, if not farther.

Really excited to see the official promotional material as we inch closer to this event.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 9
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As far as what I want in the crossover? I want Kara/Supergirl to have as much of a presence in it as Barry and Oliver. That's pretty simple I think. I want Supergirl to be shown as the most powerful....why? because she is and should be written that way. If they are worried about her defeating the villain to easily, then write a better villain.

As for me and my excitement for the story? I'm very excited, however I am also very cautious, if not skeptical that they can write as interesting of a story as the comics. So, I would much rather go into the crossover with expectations low, rather than go in hyped and that being drenched with the cold water of CW writing.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 10
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Emily is doing a Broadway play right now, so maybe that was it?

I really thought that was weird as well. If it was $$$ I highly doubt she is making in the play what she was making per episode. But, I really have no clue on those things, just don't see that happening. So her wanting more $$$ possibly for the final 10 eps and them not agreeing probably isn't a reason. Maybe the play is going longer than the 10 episodes? but even then, Plays in New York are an iffy business at best as far as longevity.

Just really, really weird on her part.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 11
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I don't want Supergirl's 100th episode anywhere, in anyway near the crossover. Already far too many characters in the crossover. I want her 100th all Supergirl.

Amen, sista!!

I'm not really looking forward to the100th episode. The milestone is impressive, but the previous shows'attempts to celebrate it were of decidedly mixed quality. I would be happy if they treat it mostly as a normal episode.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 12
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I don't want Supergirl's 100th episode anywhere, in anyway near the crossover. Already far too many characters in the crossover. I want her 100th all Supergirl.

Amen, sista!!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 13
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Hmmm... Just finished rewatching Elseworlds. And now, I'm not really convinced Oliver is going to die, nor am I really convinced he actually traded his life for Kara and Barry's.

Right after the scene with the Monitor asking Oliver what did Oliver propose as a trade to keep the balance, immediately we are transported to the scene of Degal (spelling??) with the book re-rewriting everything, fighting off our super crew, eventually with Oliver arriving back on the scene. He pulls an arrow out. Note the tip--it's shimmering with a blue light. And, when said arrow strikes the book and it drops to the ground, not only does light stop coming from the pages, the pages actually appear to die and decay--becoming brown and brittle looking. Seems to me, Oliver asking to destroy (take the life from) the book, rather than asking the Monitor to give the book to him, is a fair trade, a great "balance" to offset changing Kara and Barry's destiny. In fact, by destroying the book, everything on Earth 1 returns back to normal--balance restored.

Also... just thought of his ONE life doesn't offset saving Kara AND Barry's TWO lives. The death of such a powerful book seems more like it.

And finally, one of the last things we see is Barry and Oliver at the bar. Barry tries to tell Oliver that Oliver's a good man, to which Barry replies, "I'm not as good as you think I am, but because of you, I think I'll get there someday." Doesn't sound like a man who thinks he's going to die anytime soon. I know he later proposes a toast that they appreciate what they have *pause* "however long you may have it"....but I can't help but feel perhaps the writers threw that in there as a red herring. lol

Hmmmmm. Can't wait for season 5 and the crossover.
Really looking forward to season five, still not excited for the crossover. They seem to be throwing everyone and the kitchen sink into an already full cast. Most importantly I don't want my shows blown up for the sake of Arrow's sendoff. As to weather Oliver will die, your post reminded me of something I read when I did some surface level reading on CoIE. I remembered reading about characters that survived but didn't remain on Earth and after some searching was able to find it. In the comics Superboy-Prime joins Alexander Luthor, Jr., Kal-L, and his wife Lois Lane in a "paradise dimension". Maybe in this version that's where Oliver goes. Oliver wanted to change Kara and Barry's destinies as written in that book so he asked for a way to destroy the book. The Monitor could've been intrigued/impressed that Oliver didn't want the book's powers for himself. The Monitor gave Oliver a chance to change his friends destinies but at the expense of his own. The deal was in exchange for the arrow that could destroy the book the Monitor said if Oliver survives the coming Crisis he can't stay on Earth. Oliver agreed to that but added that Felicity would be given a choice to join him in the "paradise dimension". That would explain the scene we saw with Felicity and the Monitor, she stayed on Earth for her daughter but once Mia was grown she went to join Oliver. Side note I still don't get why Emily Bett Rickards decided to leave with 10 episodes left.

I don't want Supergirl's 100th episode anywhere, in anyway near the crossover. Already far too many characters in the crossover. I want her 100th all Supergirl
Could not agree more!! With the 100th being episode 13 and the crossover likely episode 9 it should be far enough away. I'm thinking episode 13 will air 3/1/2020.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 14
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I don't want Supergirl's 100th episode anywhere, in anyway near the crossover. Already far too many characters in the crossover. I want her 100th all Supergirl.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 15
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Amell has said he may not die in who knows.

Maybe he traded his future, not his life
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 16
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Hmmm... Just finished rewatching Elseworlds. And now, I'm not really convinced Oliver is going to die, nor am I really convinced he actually traded his life for Kara and Barry's.

Right after the scene with the Monitor asking Oliver what did Oliver propose as a trade to keep the balance, immediately we are transported to the scene of Degal (spelling??) with the book re-rewriting everything, fighting off our super crew, eventually with Oliver arriving back on the scene. He pulls an arrow out. Note the tip--it's shimmering with a blue light. And, when said arrow strikes the book and it drops to the ground, not only does light stop coming from the pages, the pages actually appear to die and decay--becoming brown and brittle looking. Seems to me, Oliver asking to destroy (take the life from) the book, rather than asking the Monitor to give the book to him, is a fair trade, a great "balance" to offset changing Kara and Barry's destiny. In fact, by destroying the book, everything on Earth 1 returns back to normal--balance restored.

Also... just thought of his ONE life doesn't offset saving Kara AND Barry's TWO lives. The death of such a powerful book seems more like it.

And finally, one of the last things we see is Barry and Oliver at the bar. Barry tries to tell Oliver that Oliver's a good man, to which Barry replies, "I'm not as good as you think I am, but because of you, I think I'll get there someday." Doesn't sound like a man who thinks he's going to die anytime soon. I know he later proposes a toast that they appreciate what they have *pause* "however long you may have it"....but I can't help but feel perhaps the writers threw that in there as a red herring. lol

Hmmmmm. Can't wait for season 5 and the crossover.

Yes, the possibility of the audience going for the obvious interpretation and the writers serving up something else entirely is a distinct possibility.

The 2040 timeline as presented last season in Arrow indicates that the world thinks Oliver is dead, but they played it pretty cagily. Rather annoyingly so.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 17
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Hmmm... Just finished rewatching Elseworlds. And now, I'm not really convinced Oliver is going to die, nor am I really convinced he actually traded his life for Kara and Barry's.

Right after the scene with the Monitor asking Oliver what did Oliver propose as a trade to keep the balance, immediately we are transported to the scene of Degal (spelling??) with the book re-rewriting everything, fighting off our super crew, eventually with Oliver arriving back on the scene. He pulls an arrow out. Note the tip--it's shimmering with a blue light. And, when said arrow strikes the book and it drops to the ground, not only does light stop coming from the pages, the pages actually appear to die and decay--becoming brown and brittle looking. Seems to me, Oliver asking to destroy (take the life from) the book, rather than asking the Monitor to give the book to him, is a fair trade, a great "balance" to offset changing Kara and Barry's destiny. In fact, by destroying the book, everything on Earth 1 returns back to normal--balance restored.

Also... just thought of his ONE life doesn't offset saving Kara AND Barry's TWO lives. The death of such a powerful book seems more like it.

And finally, one of the last things we see is Barry and Oliver at the bar. Barry tries to tell Oliver that Oliver's a good man, to which Barry replies, "I'm not as good as you think I am, but because of you, I think I'll get there someday." Doesn't sound like a man who thinks he's going to die anytime soon. I know he later proposes a toast that they appreciate what they have *pause* "however long you may have it"....but I can't help but feel perhaps the writers threw that in there as a red herring. lol

Hmmmmm. Can't wait for season 5 and the crossover.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 18
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My concern with the Crisis on Infinite Earths is that I almost think they (being the producers) have put themselves into a predictable outcome. Either one of the following will most likely occur:

A). Kara and Barry will die as they did in the Comic version. But, because both are the stars of shows that are ongoing, they both will have to somehow be revived rather quickly. Which, if not done very well, will invalidate anything they did in the Crisis and will leave fans disappointed.

B). Oliver Queen will take their place and die because that show is ending and his death could be considered final. In this scenario, it will seem almost like a cop-out that Kara and Barry weren't sacrificed.

Either of these two scenarios is predictable and so, I'm not sure how they will be able to spin this to create much apprehension. Maybe it's just me (which is very possible), but I am always more interested in seeing something new, something created out of the writers imagination that will leave me on the edge of my seat, not knowing what will happen and how it will end than to see an established story that has a predictable ending.

C. Of course, none could die and in a way, that would be a complete let-down. I know, I'm hard to please. :)

One thing that I don't want to see happen is a merging of the universes. I like Supergirl in her own world. I haven't seen a cross-over yet that has utilized her the way she should be - she always has to be nerfed big-time and having her in the same universe with so many other superheroes will just compound that problem. Plus, it brings in the complaints of - well, why doesn't Barry come and help? or so and so?


Like you, I have serious reservations about how they will handle CoIE and what it will mean once it has concluded (i.e. who lives and who dies, etc.) And, like you, I' prefer that they kept the universes separate, but since the PTB are all gung-ho for it, I'm sure it will be either a half-baked cake or a success. The proof will be when all is said and done.

We can all only watch and wait.
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 19
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
My concern with the Crisis on Infinite Earths is that I almost think they (being the producers) have put themselves into a predictable outcome. Either one of the following will most likely occur:

A). Kara and Barry will die as they did in the Comic version. But, because both are the stars of shows that are ongoing, they both will have to somehow be revived rather quickly. Which, if not done very well, will invalidate anything they did in the Crisis and will leave fans disappointed.

B). Oliver Queen will take their place and die because that show is ending and his death could be considered final. In this scenario, it will seem almost like a cop-out that Kara and Barry weren't sacrificed.

Either of these two scenarios is predictable and so, I'm not sure how they will be able to spin this to create much apprehension. Maybe it's just me (which is very possible), but I am always more interested in seeing something new, something created out of the writers imagination that will leave me on the edge of my seat, not knowing what will happen and how it will end than to see an established story that has a predictable ending.

C. Of course, none could die and in a way, that would be a complete let-down. I know, I'm hard to please. :)

One thing that I don't want to see happen is a merging of the universes. I like Supergirl in her own world. I haven't seen a cross-over yet that has utilized her the way she should be - she always has to be nerfed big-time and having her in the same universe with so many other superheroes will just compound that problem. Plus, it brings in the complaints of - well, why doesn't Barry come and help? or so and so?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 20
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